I wouldn't worry about it, man. There's nothing to avoid. Again, Georgia isn't a part of NATO and we're only calling for the end of hostilities. Why would we send a military force to further destabilize an already destabilized region?
I wouldn't worry about it, man. There's nothing to avoid. Again, Georgia isn't a part of NATO and we're only calling for the end of hostilities. Why would we send a military force to further destabilize an already destabilized region?
Russian forces are now closing in on Tblisi, it seems. I see some serious UN sanctions coming if they don't stop. Hehe, "serious" and "UN" in the same sentence...
It'll never come to it, but I'd be curious to see the two giants go toe to toe. Russia has been slapping everyone in the face with its dick lately; I wouldn't mind seeing them get punched in the chubby.
It would at least validate the F-22 program...for a while there, we were wondering if it was even feasible to do it due to the changing theater of war these days. We're not squaring off against Fulcrums or Flankers, it's the suicide bombers that are our biggest threat in this day and age. But this could change everything.
Cold war, here we come! Sweet!
It would've been really interesting to see Georgia become part of NATO and then see the reaction of all of the EU when they have to get off their asses and do something.