Russia invades Georgia

I wouldn't worry about it, man. There's nothing to avoid. Again, Georgia isn't a part of NATO and we're only calling for the end of hostilities. Why would we send a military force to further destabilize an already destabilized region?
I know it sounds like it, but not really. The US won't get into a pissing match militarily with Russia at this stage in the game. Politically, yes, but I doubt blood will be shed.

Let's look at the facts: Georgia invaded South Ossetia in an attempt to keep them from defecting to Russia, and Russia is defending South Ossetia. Russia is now attacking further south and into Georgia, but they're not exactly invading Tblisi or anything. If that happens, that would be cause for great concern. Yes, Russia used overwhelming firepower to crush the offensive and was a bit too overzealous, but they wanted to make a statement and kinda show the world that "they're back".

Believe it or not, America isn't the warmongering empire people make it out to be, and I don't think even Bush would be foolish enough to go toe to toe with Russia right now, especially over a country who isn't even in NATO and therefore NATO is not required by any international law to lift a finger.

I'm no expert, but I predict that if this conflict continues like this, the worst we could expect would be UN sanctions against Russia and continued funding of the Georgian army by the West. Sort of like another Afghanistan...but that's the absolute extreme. But at this stage, it's all a big he said/she said with both sides pointing fingers. And to tell you the truth, the US SHOULDN'T do anything in any case. The EU is a big boy now and should start looking after itself and its neighbors. I do, however, see the EU *magically* coming around all of a sudden to the idea of the missile defense shield on the eastern-most border of their countries.

I'd be tickled pink if the US said to the EU, "It's your problem, you're a big boy, deal with it. You wanted to be an amalgam of cultures and combined forces, now either put up or shut's time to do something besides sip wine and eat fucking olives."
One more thing:

Although the press seems to be siding with the Georgians, I keep seeing over and over, the democratically elected government of Georgia. This phrase keeps being put out there for no real reason. Last time I checked, Russia was a democracy as well, just not funded militarily by the US. Everyone knows Putin stole the election and is a hard-line, old-school patriot who would like nothing better than to see Mother Russia go back towards Communism, but Bush stole the election as well.

I definitely see a little bias in the media, but both parties are to blame for the violence. Now Georgia is honoring a cease-fire, and we'll see what happens if Russia doesn't. THAT will be interesting.
So now shit seems to be hitting the proverbial fan, if I may say so myself.

I can see a new Temnozor song coming out of this...

Russian forces are now closing in on Tblisi, it seems. I see some serious UN sanctions coming if they don't stop. Hehe, "serious" and "UN" in the same sentence...

It'll never come to it, but I'd be curious to see the two giants go toe to toe. Russia has been slapping everyone in the face with its dick lately; I wouldn't mind seeing them get punched in the chubby.

It would at least validate the F-22 program...for a while there, we were wondering if it was even feasible to do it due to the changing theater of war these days. We're not squaring off against Fulcrums or Flankers, it's the suicide bombers that are our biggest threat in this day and age. But this could change everything.

Cold war, here we come! Sweet!
Russian forces are now closing in on Tblisi, it seems. I see some serious UN sanctions coming if they don't stop. Hehe, "serious" and "UN" in the same sentence...

It'll never come to it, but I'd be curious to see the two giants go toe to toe. Russia has been slapping everyone in the face with its dick lately; I wouldn't mind seeing them get punched in the chubby.

It would at least validate the F-22 program...for a while there, we were wondering if it was even feasible to do it due to the changing theater of war these days. We're not squaring off against Fulcrums or Flankers, it's the suicide bombers that are our biggest threat in this day and age. But this could change everything.

Cold war, here we come! Sweet!

Not like the UN can sanction shit against russia, considering they pretty much have veto powers of every sanction. It's ridiculous how much say in the UN was given to such an un-predictable government.

On the other hand, this all has given me the chance to make "Back in the USSR" jokes all day.
It would've been really interesting to see Georgia become part of NATO and then see the reaction of all of the EU when they have to get off their asses and do something.
It would've been really interesting to see Georgia become part of NATO and then see the reaction of all of the EU when they have to get off their asses and do something.

The EU would probably just give america a call "hey, you like getting into shit that isn't your business, right? Deal with this and we'll help out the exchange rate on the euro a little bit!" :lol:
:lol: yeah, but I think the US would tell them to do it themselves. Logistically, we'd help, but I think the EU would actually have to do something for once besides breathing.
I find American reactions funny. This is more than a one dimensional event, and I think many people feel like toes have been stepped on. Russia is just being Russia, and it's decided it's time to mess about some.
So, seems they are stopping under 2 circumstances: Saakashvili leaves office, and the Georgians essentially give up South Ossetia. Seems reasonable enough. Now to see how stubborn Saakashvili is.
Which is essentially the deposing of a democratically elected leader, no matter how the Russians cut it. At the risk of being haughty, it's hardly reasonable, Eric. It may be the only solution available to stop the bloodshed (which is getting way out of hand) but it sets a dangerous precedent for Russian behaviour.