Russian analyst predicts 'breakup' of USA; France surrenders

@ DA- I'm done with this conversation. This is just stupid. You are correct. The government is evil and out to destroy our lives. They're hiding all of this from us, so we don't know about big brother. First Roswell, then JFK, and now this... How could I be so blind? Thanks for clearing this all up.

Bravo at miraculously not reading my perspective or points, whatsoever.

All of those can be achieved in an Anarchist society without most of the downfalls that arise from representational politics. For instance, having a state police leads to brutality and oppression of particular subordinate groups.

In an anarchist/libertarian society their is no form of institutionalized/illegitimate dominance and this is the key difference.

I think you forgot the word "ideal" about 50 times there. To achieve ideal anarchism would be nice, as would ideal libertarianism. No one necessarily WANTS to be subordinated by a government, but it really is fucking necessary for America, and pretty much most countries that want to have a society that works and isn't a bunch of crazy motherfuckers.

I'm blind to the evil government's workings. You are correct, sir. I concede.


edit: this whole government conspiracy thing is just dumb. Please stop watching so many movies, and come back to the real world, then we can have this discussion again.
I think you forgot the word "ideal" about 50 times there. To achieve ideal anarchism would be nice, as would ideal libertarianism. No one necessarily WANTS to be subordinated by a government, but it really is fucking necessary for America, and pretty much most countries that want to have a society that works and isn't a bunch of crazy motherfuckers.

Anarchism is also anti-globalization, so it is an utter contradiction to think of an American Anarchist state. Rather what you would have is a vast series of small communities--and no overarching nationalism trying to make some illusory connection between them.

This is not to say there wouldn't be contact between the communities, there would, and I am sure it would be encouraged in many ways, especially for instance, amongst communities with similar beliefs.
I suppose with anarchy you'd have good enough schools to teach you the difference between their and there, eh Canada Boy?

Your ideas suck and are wrong. I can't go about this any other way. There's a reason we aren't all living anarchically at the moment. Because it doesn't fucking work. Check out how many people are crazy in the world and realize not everyone is good at being a moral human being without the government. I assume you haven't been to a jail lately.
Oh.. you mean like uncivilized tribes? Like the Indians... that seemed to work for them. They never fought each other, their societies advanced remarkably, and they were never over run by a more powerful society.
I see what you're saying now.

I'm blind to the evil government's workings. You are correct, sir. I concede.


edit: this whole government conspiracy thing is just dumb. Please stop watching so many movies, and come back to the real world, then we can have this discussion again.

There is no conspiracy involved you fucktard, just logical arguments--it only follows that there is more police brutality than what makes the mainstream news. I even admitted I have no idea how large it actually is, other than it must be larger than what we know of.

Also, here is an example of the facade of the war against terrorism as practiced by Canada's Government.

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edit: this whole government conspiracy thing is just dumb. Please stop watching so many movies, and come back to the real world, then we can have this discussion again.

What movies are you talking about, I don't pull my information from movies. Apparently you do which is why you keep referencing them.
Read the laws/acts/executive orders that have been passed since 9-11 and come back and talk when you are educated on the possibilities that exist.
How many of them actually matter and aren't just sitting in a book somewhere collecting dust, though? There are plenty of stupid laws on the books that never really get enforced/matter at all.
I suppose with anarchy you'd have good enough schools to teach you the difference between their and there, eh Canada Boy?

Your ideas suck and are wrong. I can't go about this any other way. There's a reason we aren't all living anarchically at the moment. Because it doesn't fucking work. Check out how many people are crazy in the world and realize not everyone is good at being a moral human being without the government. I assume you haven't been to a jail lately.

Feel free to lynch me for fucking up their, there, and they're.

First, they aren't my ideas, merely a reproduction of a 100+ years of political philosophy thought.

Appealing to tradition is a fallacy btw, but I bet you already knew that.

And why are you assuming that anarchist societies would have no control over chaos? There are ways of having legitimate authority in those cases. This is distinct from illegitimate authority.
How many of them actually matter and aren't just sitting in a book somewhere collecting dust, though? There are plenty of stupid laws on the books that never really get enforced/matter at all.

Well they are collecting dust right now. Most of them are contingent on a [emergency]. So all I am saying is be prepared for the emergency, because it is coming and all the other bullshit comes along with it. Whether it's earthquakes, or "terrorism", or a sovereign nation enemy.
you just did the their thing again tbh

dakryn, you're randomly fostering paranoia which is NOT what the country fucking needs right now so go back into your bomb shelter bunker and read more conspiracy theories cuz i am reaaaaally not buying it!
Oh.. you mean like uncivilized tribes? Like the Indians... that seemed to work for them. They never fought each other, their societies advanced remarkably, and they were never over run by a more powerful society.
I see what you're saying now.

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the master of the Strawman.

Srsly though, there are so many misleading assumptions in that statement that I don't even know where to begin.
They are laws that are meant to be instilled temporarily in a state of emergency. I think it's safe to say that, in a nation that collectively gasps whenever the word oppression is mentioned, these laws would not hold up under any other situation.