Hi all,
Sorry it's taken me so long to get the pics up here. I came home tonight with the intent of concentrating all of my efforts on getting it done. However, I am a team captain for the Walk for Hope to Cure Breast Cancer this year (this is why I was in a Walk for Hope shirt at the 10/20 show

), and it is really taking up the majority of my spare time. Today alone, I went from having 22 people on my team at 8am to having 30 by 5pm and the Walk is this Sunday. Being captain is harder than I thought, but I am really loving it! Anyway, I promise, with some help from Metallicat180, that I the pics will be here soon.
Thank you for your patience. I know that being new, this isn't making me look real good, it's just bad timing.
P.S. Girls, my husband (who was wearing the "I'm here for the boobs" shirt), who hates cover bands, says, "Those chicks rock! I can't believe they played Alexander the Great! And they did it justice!" Kevin considers this THE best "long song" Maiden ever did. You've changed my husband.

SFS was our third show, we are looking forward to many more!