Sarah Palin - bulldog and barracuda?

sure... i read what you said, but by 'unethical behavior,' what are we talking about? he obviously wasnt guilty of the charges he was lumped in with the others for, so what was it?
did he withhold information? did he manufacture evidence? what was it?
whatever it was, it wasnt serious enough to make him a part of the 'Keating 5.' that whole mantra is grasping at straws by the left.
i think it's highly possible that McCain was simply copping to SOMETHING, because he knew trying to walk away from it all without saying something would cause hard feelings with the snot-nosed malcontents that make up the Democrat party.

Um, his quote speaks for itself. He is apologizing for the appearance of ethical misconduct, and thought that developing a close relationship with Keating was improper REGARDLESS OF ANY SPECIFIC LAWS BROKEN OR NOT. He has repeatedly said it wasn’t a good time in his life. Again, whether he was found guilty of anything has no bearing on his quote.

You probably shouldn’t try defending someone whose morals are more elevated than yours. I mean if Mccain is man enough to admit he should have handled it differently, then why can’t you? No, you just want to spin, spin, spin. I suspect you’d be pro child molesting if it was in your parties political platform and try to find someone else to blame.

You are really no better than partisan Democrats who insist Obama is above criticism. We get the leaders we deserve because of such unthinking attitudes.
Um, his quote speaks for itself. He is apologizing for the appearance of ethical misconduct, and thought that developing a close relationship with Keating was improper REGARDLESS OF ANY SPECIFIC LAWS BROKEN OR NOT. He has repeatedly said it wasn’t a good time in his life. Again, whether he was found guilty of anything has no bearing on his quote.

You probably shouldn’t try defending someone whose morals are more elevated than yours. I mean if Mccain is man enough to admit he should have handled it differently, then why can’t you? No, you just want to spin, spin, spin. I suspect you’d be pro child molesting if it was in your parties political platform and try to find someone else to blame.

You are really no better than partisan Democrats who insist Obama is above criticism. We get the leaders we deserve because of such unthinking attitudes.

apologizing for the appearance of ethical misconduct,

yes... apologizing for 'appearances' really does make him a bad guy. :hypno:
appearances, afterall, are more important than actual acts.

frankly, i dont like McCain. i could reel off a list a mile long of things i dont like about him. however, to lump him in with the Keating 5 and then, with drool dripping and knuckles dragging, say, 'well, sure, he didnt actually DO anything, but he apologized for what it APPEARED to be, so that's the same thing' is beyond retarded.
yes... apologizing for 'appearances' really does make him a bad guy. :hypno:
appearances, afterall, are more important than actual acts.

frankly, i dont like McCain. i could reel off a list a mile long of things i dont like about him. however, to lump him in with the Keating 5 and then, with drool dripping and knuckles dragging, say, 'well, sure, he didnt actually DO anything, but he apologized for what it APPEARED to be, so that's the same thing' is beyond retarded.

Again, your ability to misread is very amusing. He is part of the Keating 5 because he was investigated along with four other Senators (one of who was the other senator from Arizona; yes, a Democrat.) Also, words mean something. He wasn't found to have done anything ILLEGAL, but his association with Charles Keating was dubious and, at worst, UNETHICAL. And noo.... ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL aren't the same thing nor am I claiming they are. Again, he himself felt he acted in poor judgment and can be criticized for that poor judgment. If that's retarded to you, then you have the morality of a 6 year old who thinks everything is ok just as long as you aren't caught.
Again, your ability to misread is very amusing. He is part of the Keating 5 because he was investigated along with four other Senators (one of who was the other senator from Arizona; yes, a Democrat.) Also, words mean something. He wasn't found to have done anything ILLEGAL, but his association with Charles Keating was dubious and, at worst, UNETHICAL. And noo.... ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL aren't the same thing nor am I claiming they are. Again, he himself felt he acted in poor judgment and can be criticized for that poor judgment. If that's retarded to you, then you have the morality of a 6 year old who thinks everything is ok just as long as you aren't caught.

that's limited to 6 yr. olds?

you need to get off of the far left blog sites and out of the house more. a little one-on-one interaction with real people would do you good.
that's limited to 6 yr. olds?

you need to get off of the far left blog sites and out of the house more. a little one-on-one interaction with real people would do you good.

Your insults are worse than your "arguments." Aside from the fact that I interact with more people on a daily basis then you in a week, you seem completely unable to support your views with anything resembling coherent support. Blindly asserting stuff, making up nonsense, and refusing to consider anything other than partisanship does in fact make you morally limited.
Your insults are worse than your "arguments." Aside from the fact that I interact with more people on a daily basis then you in a week, you seem completely unable to support your views with anything resembling coherent support. Blindly asserting stuff, making up nonsense, and refusing to consider anything other than partisanship does in fact make you morally limited.

your only argument is that you dont agree and i havent seen you post a single thing that doesnt scream 'PARTISANSHIP.'
you dont care who gets in office, as long as there isnt an (R) beside their name.
your only argument is that you dont agree and i havent seen you post a single thing that doesnt scream 'PARTISANSHIP.'
you dont care who gets in office, as long as there isnt an (R) beside their name.

Nonsense yet again.

Let's try an actual dictionary for what "partisanship" means. Oh yeah:

"A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea."

As I support no political party, farting as you called, I can't be partisan in that sense. Let's twist words (like you do) and say I am partisan against partisan stupidity and political militants, you know like you. As far as I am concerned, you party goose-steppers are disasters to the country. As someone else noted, Palin is for the right as Obama is to the left, pure image to get their bases fired up.

Some of us, however, want actually choices and are and tired of idiots like yourself with no grasp of history, economics, and law screaming and babbling on and on about shit they no nothing about. But it's ok! You have faith! You have certainty! Just pray for the economy to turn around. It will be ok. I just talked to Jesus, he gave me his word.
I like how your point makes no sense. Since when is a senate bill a talking point and who said she needs to memorize anything from the bill? I really like how you defend her by attacking the other side and making absurd claims about what others are saying. In other words, you can't defend her at all. As I said, and as I think most people are aware, Biden has a history of saying dumb shit for which there is no excuse. But if you think her answer in this clip is the least bit coherent, then you are either simply dishonest, stupid, or blindly partisan. I'll give you the credit and say it's the first and third, but maybe that only makes you worse. Go ahead, parse out her answer and tell me how it makes sense. I dare you. No, you or anyone are incapable. So just go ahead and spout some generic response about liberals, and how you are conservative, blah blah. Go ahead, just deflect the issue with stupid generalities, pretend the Democrats and Republicans differ on the bailout, and how the world will end if we don't elect the right one of the two pro-war, pro-corporate candidates.

Holy shit, that interview was of course bad, but Cafferty should learn a little professionalism. This isn't The O'Reilly Factor or that walking poster child for abortion Sean Hannity or any of those dipshits at Feaux News. CNN really should've taken the high road, and I think Blitzer was trying to save a little face there due to that unprofessional outburst. Granted, he's absolutely right, but you're supposed to present the news, not judge it for others.
I was reading this article somewhere a while ago that said that Barack was a threat to Israeli and Zionist interests. That would be cool if it were true.

Palin really does seem like a nice lady, but I am stuck wondering if she is ignorant or not. I can't really tell. It's hard to tell if they're just acting or if they are sincere.
Let me guess; you watch Fox News?

Thats who tells her what to think

Anyway, I'm curious to what you geico spokesmen....I mean republicans on the board feel and think about the mccain/palin campaign IMPLODING to the point where the election results can be called today :lol:
What I hate about most woman who are going to vote for McCain/Palin is that there view is clouded and anything said about Sarah Palin is suddenly sexist because they close minded and wont except that shes just stupid.The majority voting for her dont even realize how shes going to make most men think how woman are even less fit to run a country and so, your all just goimg to take a step back.