Saturday Headliner Announcement:

I am pretty happy about this choice as Jorn is one of the best metal singers out there - and does not make it to these shores very often. I wasnt around for PP2 and so I missed Ark.

I think this can be a special set - especially considering how much different stuff the guy has done.

Hopefully the "play all night" option applies for Jorn as it would have with Nevermore - he's got a heckuva lot of stuff he could be playing :) This would have been a fine headliner right out of the box (in my opinion, others will differ) - but to swing it under such circumstances - excellent work. Damn, no backpacks, how am I gonna bring all the stuff I need him to sign (LOL - don't worry - I remember the signing rules, and last year only went thru the sign line for one band, Angra, and just had them sign the program).

Good work Glenn, I think this can turn out to be better than Masterplan (whom I was very much wanting to see) .

What an outstanding annoucement this is! Arguably the best & strongest vocalist to perform at PP. With his extensive & eclectic catalog of material that he could possibly perform from, it should make for a great show. Hopefully he will pull some stuff from his days with M. Imperium, Beyond Twilight, & Ark. His newest solo effort is great too. The song Stormcrow rocks!
Saturday night is now on my agenda...which means l won't have to miss Wastefall.
sccaldwell said:
I thought ProgPower II (when Ark played) was by far the best lineup. Having said that, I also think Ark put on the best show.

But I would have. So would a lot of other people. We're happy with Jorn. You're not. Tough. Live with it or don't come. Either way, do you really need to bitch about everything Glenn does? This is probably my least favorite lineup overall for PP (replacing Nevermore with Jorn has helped, for me), but I'm just glad he's still doing it and bringing a good overall show. I know I can't be thrilled with every year's roster (though I usually am), but I'll still be there this year....there's enough to keep me coming, and hopefully next year will be more my taste.

This festival isn't about YOU or YOUR particular tastes, nor is it about ME or MINE. It's about bringing a great overall show that'll make the majority of the audience happy, and make a profit (remember, this is still a business).

Most people seem happy with this year's lineup. I'm interested enough that I'll be there. If you're not, then stay home.


Thanks Craig, I'll hold all of my opinions because you don't want to hear them. Shit, what was I thinking? Everything is great. Everything is fucking clean and peachy.
Glenn hasn't had anything but sellouts since PP3 as far as I know so he'll be fine on his profit with or without Jorn. I didn't offer any of my "personal tastes" as an alternative to Jorn per se. I was simply stating that ANYONE we haven't seen would be a better choice in my opinion. You don't like my opinion...fuck you...don't read it. I'm offering a constructive counterpoint to Glenn and I'm doing so because it's my opinion and I have the right to do so. I think Glenn jumped the gun a bit on this one and I don't think Jorn will move 1 single ticket that hasn't already been sold. I don't think it was a wise pick in any way, really. I think it was safe and secure and I'm saying so right here whether you like it or not. And as far as me "bitching about everything Glenn does", what, are you his fucking wife and protector? He has already proven that he can hear it and respond in a very positive way even if we disagree. I haven't attacked "everything he does". I've been critical of one thing and it's my right as a friggin' American.
lady_space said:
I think people forget sometimes (myself included) that this forum actually represents the *minority* of ProgPower attendees.

Well, we are the hard cores, and how would this festival do without the hard core prog/power fanbases? A lot of us here may not be able to pick each other out of a line up, but we're a decent representation of of the fest's fan base. There's a lot of us who are there year after year after year, regardless of the bitching, and for me personally, it has turned into my ONLY vacation every year. Sorta sad, but WELL worth it in my opinion.... I never thought that first gathering in Lansing would turn into an annual "obsession" :D

I think there are a lot of lurkers too, besides the people who frequent. annoy, & contribute here. Maybe I just don't like being in the minority! :Spin:
I REALLY hope this year sells out fast, I think it's going to........

Harvester said:
That said, I'm not going to relax until the tickets are all sold. That may take four months instead of four days. I *need* your help to get the word out and convince those borderline folks to come on down to Atlanta.

Glenn H.

You got it! I'm already bringing + one who knows of maybe 2 other bands, but has gone apeshit over the FK announcement. Another Prog Power cherry
to be sacrificed in the name of the fest.....:Spin:

I would be SHOCKED if this didn't sellout within 1 week. I was saying "within a day" with Nevermore, but I'll say 1 week now. How can you go wrong with Freak Kitchen, Thunderstone, Epica, Savage Circus, and Vision Divine alone? Anything else is just topping, I think.
It's gonna rock.....just like every year, I am SO there!

J-Dubya - Not worried about Glenn taking a bath at this fest (just as long as all of the attendees do!) :)
sccaldwell said:
But I would have. So would a lot of other people. We're happy with Jorn. You're not. Tough. Live with it or don't come. Either way, do you really need to bitch about everything Glenn does? This is probably my least favorite lineup overall for PP (replacing Nevermore with Jorn has helped, for me),

: X

(personally speaking...l'm all giddy and chit) :loco:
J-Dubya 777 said:
It's gonna rock.....just like every year, I am SO there!

J-Dubya - Not worried about Glenn taking a bath at this fest (just as long as all of the attendees do!) :)

You know it bud! I can't wait! We only get one weekend out of the year to get to hangout and see a GREAT lineup year after year. And yes, who knew what it would turn into after that first weekend in Lansing! Luckily, I do get more than one vacation a year, but this is probably my favorite! Now if we could just Greg off his ass and onto the plane with you! Tell him there are some woods close by for puking. :lol: :puke:
I'm very happy about this announcement. A friend of mine also that hasn't been to Progpower since 3 is probably going to be going as well since Jorn was added. As much as I love Nevermore, and it sucked to see them cancel...I think this is a lot better, and hearing a mix of all Jorn's material is going to be INCREDIBLE.
I don't know whether the term would be irony or coincidence...but fitting it is!!! The final stanza in the Masterplan song "Crystal Night" states the following:

Never more- life before
No never more

You said it Jorn!!!