Satyricon Update

Technically it does make it something new and you're just being a stubborn old fart, tbh. New is defined as having not been done yet, and as much as you may want to deny it "adding flute to black metal" is quite obviously "innovative" unless innovation to you means doing only new things that you personally respect and like. Which is pretty cunty and crotchety but I would not put either of these things by you.


p.s. unless someone already added flutes to black metal before, not quite sure on this but you're arguing something fundamentally wrong anyway so not really the problem now is it?

What's even more obvious is that you have no critical sense when it comes to what you label as innovative. Within the greater context of the genre, "Dark Medival Times" was not innovative. It spawned no movements, broke no barriers and ruffled only the fewest of feathers. When "spotting innovativeness" (in lack of a better term) in metal, flagging every tiny insignificant new element as relevant is just stupid. Sure, it could be "technically" correct, but in my opinion, for something to be truly innovative, the art in question should transcend what came before in some significant way, and be more than some lame variation on a well-established theme. Or worse, a gimmick.

And I may be an old fart, but at least I possess the perspective of someone who has listened to black metal for longer than you have been alive. For you to presume that my lifetime of accumulated knowledge and impressions matters for nothing is quite hurtful, to be honest. :cry:
...who said it had to be relevant? It was innovative to some extent. Be it small or large, innovation is still innovation and denying that is silly.

However, I understand what you mean and respect your opinion on this.

this happens like twice a year for me around here, I gotta celebrate with a stiff drink and some questionable porn, I think...

I really only pretended to understand you to further thank you for Seamount!...the DLP of which is retardedly expensive to get in America :(
so you are saying i could just fart over blast beats and it would be innovative if no one has done it? i think innovation has to inspire others. there's got to be more to it then that otherwise every single thing is innovative unless it's an exact replica.
Look, I don't give a fuck what your opinion is, innovation is synonymous with newness. It's in the fucking thesaurus. I didn't write it, don't blame me.
you are getting hostile. so ok, i was wrong. almost every single thing is innovative. you win. i don't have time to sit here all day and argue every single point everyone ever makes on every subject like you do. cheers
so everytime a band introduces a new lyrical theme in black metal (no matter how stupid) it is innovative? interesting.


I'm surprised by how many people associate innovation with the number of clone bands that came afterwards. Additionally, to say that Satyricon had no influence is untrue, because flutes and general medieval themes had not been explored, but there are plenty of folk metal (often with black metal overtones) bands who use similar musical/lyrical themes who came after Satyricon, like Alkonost, Arkona, Heol Telwen, Temnozor, and a bunch of other bands I'd like to pull out of my ass.
you are getting hostile. so ok, i was wrong. almost every single thing is innovative. you win. i don't have time to sit here all day and argue every single point everyone ever makes on every subject like you do. cheers

It's OK, you are just too dumb to look up the definitions of things in dictionaries which takes 5 seconds, I understand.
Doing something new means you're innovating.

Whether or not your innovations will catch on or prove useful is another story, but it's still innovative if nobody else has done it before.
When Satyricon first came out, they did have parts in their songs that distinguished them from other bands in the same genre. They managed to create their own trademark sound, and that alone is an achievment that many bands have failed at.
Satyricon have inspired many bands, and they have one of the best drummers in black metal, but I think Thorns is more innovative than Satyricon. In reality its almost impossible to be completely original/innovative in any style of music anyway, since most of it has been created in one way or another somewhere along the road. Its just a matter of bringing unique elements to the table, to spice up whats on the plate.