Satyricon Update

They were obviously looking for a wider audience when they agreed to license out their releases instead of continuing to have it available only through their own label.

I would hope a band would be looking for a wider audience and also make it easier for people to be able to get cds because that shows they actually give a fuck.
They were obviously looking for a wider audience when they agreed to license out their releases instead of continuing to have it available only through their own label.

I hear those same kind of sentiments thrown at ICS Vortex for being in Dimmu Borgir. The truth is that most musicians cannot support themselves with the money they make from selling albums. When they see an opportunity, whether a contract with a band or label, they're going to take it for that financial incentive.

You don't find the label, the label finds you, and it found you because it likes the music you're currently playing. You're not going to turn down their offer if you're struggling to support yourself, even with a label of your own.

Once you get the contract, you continue pursuing your artistic vision, and whoever is selling that art is irrelevant.

Look, the point of what everybody is saying was that Satyricon didn't do anything groundbreaking or revolutionary. That doesn't mean that they didn't create some great albums.

And that's what's more important. Music doesn't have to be innovative in order to be great. That's a given. But discussing whether a band or album is innovative is not a value judgment, rather something more objectively measurable.
And Satyricon is not innovative, as was suggested in this thread, and that is what I was arguing against. I never said it was a bad thing. My thoughts on that should be obvious enough by now.
That's fine with me.

Next topic, then.

When the hell are we going to see these guys tour the US? They were barely here (or at all?) since they released Now, Diabolical.
That's fine with me.

Next topic, then.

When the hell are we going to see these guys tour the US? They were barely here (or at all?) since they released Now, Diabolical.

I've seen them live twice and you're really not missing out to be honest. =p
the point that people were arguing was that satyricon are innovative because being innovative is doing anything new and flutes with black metal had never been done before until satyricon.
@all this bullshit about selling out:

When Motorhead announced at a gig they were going to be recording way back before the first album a fan accused them of selling out. Lemmy said, "of course we did, what the fuck did you think we would do?"

Basically, Satyricon have this crazy thing called a career (and possibly by now families to support, idk). Of course they want to make money. As long as they don't place that before the music it's fine. And they're obviously not doing so, otherwise they'd have changed their name and started playing pop-punk.
Yeah but the difference is that Motorhead:

- are fucking cool as fuck
- are more metal than Satyricon ever will be
- aren't complaining about how cold their skin is
Cite an official interview with Satyr or Frost if you think it lends credence to their commercial intentions.

I dont have to. I merely have to point out that just as black metal got tons of press, Satyricon just happens to make a video for their most accessible song, Mother North. A video that just happens tp contain all the black metal gimmicks, cliches and insipid little habbits. And it's all smoothly packed in a mainstream friendly package to appeal to consumerist markets.

Yeah, a lot of artistic integrity here...

And besides, if you insist on draggin interviews into this, just look at how Satyr attribute such adjectives to their new material, such as "ingenius", "groundbreaking" and "revolutionary". I mean, come on...
You're making the assumption that Satyricon considered marketability when developing their new sound.

Their new sound? Satyr is basically ripping Thorns material to the death.

I would take a new Thorns album over 5 new Satyricon albums.
^I still need the Thorns Self Titled album, it seems to have influenced or been influenced by Rebel Extravaganza. I liked the music from it.
Yeah but the difference is that Motorhead:

- are fucking cool as fuck
- are more metal than Satyricon ever will be
- aren't complaining about how cold their skin is
The first 2 are very true, but I believe there's a song in which Lemmy mentions his skin being cold.
RE's my least favorite Satyricon album.
Mine as well, I dont like how Satyr's vocals are distorted on there but it has a couple great songs on it. Everything on it is good though, very unconventional album but consistent as well.
Prime Evil Rennaissance and A Moment of Clarity are my favorite songs off of it.
Rebel Extravaganza is the last good album from them imo. Frost is insane on this album.

About the production....1999 was the years when industrial black metal became popular in norway and other country, that was the new trend back then. Take a lookat these:

Satyricon - Rebel Extravaganza - 1999
Aborym - Kali Yuga Bizzare - 1999
Kovenant - Animatronic - 1999
Limbonic Art - Ad Noctum Dynasty of Death - 1999
And Oceans - The Symmetry of I - The Circle of O - 1999
Dodheimsgard - 666 International - 1999
Tartaros - The Red Jewel - 1999
Diabolicum - Grandeur of Hell - 1999
Samael - Eternal - 1999

pretty much all sound industrial influenced.
^Yes, and Satyricon didn't go back to the more Industrial style after RE, or an album as unusually awkward, long and complex either.