Savatage Fans


At War With Stan
Jul 28, 2005
What other DVDs has the band released besides Live Japan '94? I would love if you could list the name and what you thought of the dvd so I know what to pursue next. :headbang:
EOT is right - Sava only did one pro-shoot - Live in Japan. Oddly enough, that was the Handful of Rain tour and that lineup was short-lived. There are, however TONS of bootlegs.

Chris :headbang:
EOT is right - Sava only did one pro-shoot - Live in Japan. Oddly enough, that was the Handful of Rain tour and that lineup was short-lived. There are, however TONS of bootlegs.

Chris :headbang:
that is the DVD I own!
The one floating around that I am aware of is a boot that was transfered from the original VHS format that it was released on.

Yeah, I've seen it for sale a time or two on ebay. Hopefully, they'll give us a professional production sometime down the road.

I saw some footage on Youtube from a festival over in Greece during their last tour that would've been great to release on a DVD. :erk: Jack Frost was even on stage with them if I remember correctly.
I'm a huge Sava fan. They are the band that turned me onto this whole genre. Youtube does have some footage, and I have a pretty darn good video shot of them when they were in Atlanta in 1998. A guy I met at the concert took the video and I traded him a CD for a copy of the tape. I really need to get it converted to DVD for my own use. The video's a bit shaky sometimes, but the audio is impressive.
I doubt they will officially release any new live videos, but I hope to see at least one official "farewell" album. TSO and Pain seem to be taking all the priority these days.
Hopefully, they'll give us a professional production sometime down the road.
Not to worry my friend. Jon's gone on record as saying the 2xth Anniversary deal will definitely include a DVD package (they're in the process of compiling acceptable video). He said there isn't a lot of pro shots from the early days, but they do have some decent footage from recent years. He also said they would record one of their "reunion" concerts next year to include in the DVD set.

It's coming...but you'll have to be patient.

I've not seen the Japan video, but I do have that Anaheim show. It's not very good quality though.
One of these reunion shows had better include ProgPower...I am not the hugest Savatage fan, but the show they put on for the Wake of Magellan tour at Jaxx was ridiculously good. One of my top five shows ever.

keep in mind that Savatage hasn't done much of anything since DVDs became fully dominant over VHS. Their last cd was 2001, and there were very few metal bands releasing DVDs back then. Metal DVDs are still a very new concept in the grand scheme of things.