Save the planet!!! Stop global warming!!!

Now with this first statement I totally disagree. Don't you think that 9 billion people is more than enough?
then do a good work and kill yourself, so we are one less while we others keep on celebrating our wars.

and the reason for the food problem is not the population, but the wrong use of sources.

btw, where from do YOU have your informations?
^ You know, I feel I contribute more to this planet than what I damage it. I think that people who always say "then go kill yourself" are the ones that help the planet the least.

I don't want to kill myself, I live a rather good life thank you.

And well, I'm not lazy so I googled the info:

There you go, enjoy.
Now with this first statement I totally disagree. Don't you think that 6 billion+ people is more than enough?

Maybe you don't see that because you live in Norge and you have about 4 million+ people in a very big territory. However, Costa Rica has more people than Norge and in a much smaller portion of land. That's when you really start noticing the over-population. Or just look at China d'oh.
We humans are more than out of hand, really. I can't believe there are people that even nowadays think that we're not.
And with the acts, well we are humans so we are stupid and make stupid things by nature, and this is more than evident nowadays.

Earth not over-populated :lol: . So what is over-populated for you? Sky-high buildings that fill the Earth with nothing more on it?

You know about the food crisis? That's, in a way, due to over-population. All the changes that are happening happen because the Earth can't simply sustain so many (greedy) humans.

The problem here is that you're accusing him of judging the issue by his own local conditions, but then you turn around and do the same thing. Overpopulation is a localized phenomenon. Even moreso, it's a cultural interpretation of a localized phenomenon. Your average American sees Japan as overcrowded, and thus overpopulated. However crowded, Japan is able to have enough employment and a good enough food supply so that the standard of living is quite high. Mexico City is likewise seen as overcrowded, but also has the problem of resource distribution. So, while the population densities are VERY similar (Tokyo is actually more densly populated than Mexico City), one suffers overpopulation while the other doesn't. This isn't a new problem. By and large, the history of human migration has been driven by either war or empty stomachs (often a combination of the two). The issue is, and always has been, food distribution. The Earth isn't overpopulated, regions are overpopulated because the population exceeds the carrying capacity of the region. If Mexico City kept the same population, but developed the same economic and trade resources as Tokyo, it would cease to be overpopulated. On the other hand, if the economy and trade resources of in Tokyo dropped to the level that they are in Mexico City, Tokyo would become generally overpopulated.
^ You know, I feel I contribute more to this planet than what I damage it. I think that people who always say "then go kill yourself" are the ones that help the planet the least.

I don't want to kill myself, I live a rather good life thank you.

And well, I'm not lazy so I googled the info:

There you go, enjoy.

so what? what do you think is best to do "against" over-population? kill anyone else, cause you have a great life and they not?

and about malnutrition: there are lots of tons of best food ending up as waste each day. theres enough food for everyone on this earth.
no one wiil ever find the solution for this problem in numbers about population, but in social behaviour.
all these horror-statistics are a kind of funny, because fear sells as good as sex, maybe even better.

btw, newest studies show, that humans is the worst os all environment killers because each person produces more co2 in his life than any car.
this is a fucking bad joke, if you ask me.

why not populate the earth with cars instead of humans?:rock:
The problem here is that you're accusing him of judging the issue by his own local conditions, but then you turn around and do the same thing. Overpopulation is a localized phenomenon. Even moreso, it's a cultural interpretation of a localized phenomenon. Your average American sees Japan as overcrowded, and thus overpopulated. However crowded, Japan is able to have enough employment and a good enough food supply so that the standard of living is quite high. Mexico City is likewise seen as overcrowded, but also has the problem of resource distribution. So, while the population densities are VERY similar (Tokyo is actually more densly populated than Mexico City), one suffers overpopulation while the other doesn't. This isn't a new problem. By and large, the history of human migration has been driven by either war or empty stomachs (often a combination of the two). The issue is, and always has been, food distribution. The Earth isn't overpopulated, regions are overpopulated because the population exceeds the carrying capacity of the region. If Mexico City kept the same population, but developed the same economic and trade resources as Tokyo, it would cease to be overpopulated. On the other hand, if the economy and trade resources of in Tokyo dropped to the level that they are in Mexico City, Tokyo would become generally overpopulated.

Ok that's interesting, never saw it in that way. But still, don't you think that 6,000,000,000 (6 billion) people is too much?
I do.
Yet your point is certainly valid.

pancreator said:
so what? what do you think is best to do "against" over-population? kill anyone else, cause you have a great life and they not?

and about malnutrition: there are lots of tons of best food ending up as waste each day. theres enough food for everyone on this earth.
no one wiil ever find the solution for this problem in numbers about population, but in social behaviour.
all these horror-statistics are a kind of funny, because fear sells as good as sex, maybe even better.

btw, newest studies show, that humans is the worst os all environment killers because each person produces more co2 in his life than any car.
this is a fucking bad joke, if you ask me.

why not populate the earth with cars instead of humans?

^ :p Transformers style?

I don't say that people should be killed, but that there should be more control over the people who are going to have children. e.g., I think that a couple shouldn't have more than 2 children. However, you have couples who have like 9 or 10 children. IMO, that's the problem. Also, if people can and want they should adopt orphans.
The Earth isn't overpopulated, regions are overpopulated because the population exceeds the carrying capacity of the region. If Mexico City kept the same population, but developed the same economic and trade resources as Tokyo, it would cease to be overpopulated. On the other hand, if the economy and trade resources of in Tokyo dropped to the level that they are in Mexico City, Tokyo would become generally overpopulated.

This sounds logical but I have to disagree with you. That's only half the problem. Underdeveloped economies may have the incapacity to sustain booming population levels, and that causes habitat destruction, pollution, and conflict over meager resources, but it's developed economies that really strain the planet's resources. One side of the picture you don't paint is how Japan's population uses, qualitatively, maybe a thousand times the amount of resources that Mexico does. It matters just as much that say, Mexico is inefficient (although Mexico is not that good of an example because it's not really that poor at all), as does the sheer quantity of resources Japan uses.

The world is pretty overpopulated considering *how* we live and the kind of modernity developed countries try to achieve. How overpopulated the earth is depends pretty much on how we view development. You can fudge it and say, well, if we lived efficiently, we could have 12 billion people, and that's not a dumb or unreasonable argument. But the fact is at 6 billion we're destroying our planet. So we need both less people and to consume less resources... if we find a way to have more people and not essentially being locusts, then neato. But in the meantime...
This sounds logical but I have to disagree with you. That's only half the problem. Underdeveloped economies may have the incapacity to sustain booming population levels, and that causes habitat destruction, pollution, and conflict over meager resources, but it's developed economies that really strain the planet's resources. One side of the picture you don't paint is how Japan's population uses, qualitatively, maybe a thousand times the amount of resources that Mexico does. It matters just as much that say, Mexico is inefficient (although Mexico is not that good of an example because it's not really that poor at all), as does the sheer quantity of resources Japan uses.

The world is pretty overpopulated considering *how* we live and the kind of modernity developed countries try to achieve. How overpopulated the earth is depends pretty much on how we view development. You can fudge it and say, well, if we lived efficiently, we could have 12 billion people, and that's not a dumb or unreasonable argument. But the fact is at 6 billion we're destroying our planet. So we need both less people and to consume less resources... if we find a way to have more people and not essentially being locusts, then neato. But in the meantime...

Agreed, Earth is definitely over-populated.

Did you know that if you take every manga (Japanese comic books) printed in 1 month (I think) they would cover 100K km ?

And most of them aren't recycled, talk about wasting resources and the "Kyoto Prototocol."

Translation: We're still building the destruction of the future. We beg your understanding for the problems this might cause.

And right now there is 1 hurricane in Florida and 1 in Haiti (2nd one in 2 weeks). And another one just stuck New Orleans (again, though not as bad as Katrina) only a week ago. I guess people from the U.S. are getting what they deserve, but as always poor countries get the worst part (Haiti is the poorest one in America).

No hurricanes over China though :rolleyes: .

And I've definitely noticed an increase in the amount of rain and how many times it has rained per week. I don't remember such strong winds either. I guess what we're only missing here in Costa Rica is snow (it did snow in the mountains a few months ago, it was quite an event).
6 billion is a lot of people... what is it, a good 90% I'd say of the world has been in some way shaped by human influence... I consider it a population problem...

Anyway, here in Texas (United States), in the city I live, we have curbside paper and glass recycling. I recycle as much as I can. I also don't drive,(Most of my peers do) I can walk to most of the places I go to, or ride my bike.

Wasn't whaling banned a loong time ago?
6 billion is a lot of people... what is it, a good 90% I'd say of the world has been in some way shaped by human influence... I consider it a population problem...

Anyway, here in Texas (United States), in the city I live, we have curbside paper and glass recycling. I recycle as much as I can. I also don't drive,(Most of my peers do) I can walk to most of the places I go to, or ride my bike.

Wasn't whaling banned a loong time ago?

I'm glad you do your part :) .

And well whaling may have been banned (really? Didn't know that), but that doesn't stop Japanese boats to go and kill 'em all. Bastards.

This is simply great! :lol:

And I've given thought to the over-populated topic. People may think that Earth is not over-populated, but that there are too many people concentrated in specific areas. That may certainly be the case. However, you have to think of all the resources and pollution each one of those persons cause!

Everyone has to crap, so lots of shit goes down the toilet and into the oceans.

Everyone needs food, so more forests are cut down to make room for cows and the like.

Everyone works or has to travel somewhere, so most will take their cars and hence destroy more the atmosphere because of the CO2 emissions.

So everybody puts its big grain on destroying the planet. However, a lot of people do more damage than others. What we have to do is to think of ways to lessen the impact each one of us causes and to make conscience of what is really going on.

300 people have died in Haiti, it's really sad considering the situation there.;_ylt=Au2GTvXebxvO9a4KOmGxjp.9IxIF

Save the planet!!!

- Empyrium
The earth is slowly falling inwards to the sun due to the fact that the sun is making a dent in the fabric of space(this is why black holes work...). Of course, the closer you get to the sun, the hotter it will get...
Earth will regulate herself like she always has. Man won't do anything worse than what a volcano spews out every once in a while.
The earth is slowly falling inwards to the sun due to the fact that the sun is making a dent in the fabric of space(this is why black holes work...). Of course, the closer you get to the sun, the hotter it will get...

Isn't "Dent in fabric of space" = Gravity?
If we're falling inwards to the sun that would mean that earths orbit around the sun is decreasing, which would give us a longer year? Is there any evidence that would prove that?