Say hello to the new CONFIRMATION

Oh wow, Mustasch.. I expect these guys to announce gigs every few months over here but PPUSA, that's odd! :) Way cool choice though, especially to replace a band like Volbeat! I should have the chance to go see both Mustasch and Volbeat do headlining gigs here next month - I'll let you all know who I prefer live if I end up going to both (Volbeat is a 100% sure go at least).
What a fucked up band name! But...I checked out their myspace tunes and they fucking rock to no end! I'm happier about MUSTASCH than VOLBEAT by a mile! Tons of Ian Astbury-ness happening there. I do hear a bit of the Glenn Danzig sound that was mentioned, also. Kudos to our boy, Glenn...again!
Reminds me a bit of Monster Magnet.

Also, Glenn, I am pretty angry that you didn't book Complete as you said you would last year. I feel sad knowing that ProgPower will not be going to Hoogie Boogie Land. Can you relate?!?
I liked the samples so much, that i ordered "Latest Version of the Truth can't wait to hear the whole cd. Also WOOOOHOOOOOO i am their sponsor for PP IX, it don't get bettern this.
Well, it could get better if somehow J-Dubya could make it, then i would be happy. J-Dubya I will miss you Bro.
WOW this band is great, i have heard of them but never listened to them until today, like the other person said a little CULT in there and Monster Magnet, but they seem to have their own sound with the orchestrations, thats cool..I wanna see these guys:headbang:
Metalrose, in the clip posted by Cheiron, the lead singer even looks a bit like Jaymz Hetfield during his short-hair-and-muttonchops phase. :D

I really like what I'm seeing. I can definitely some Ian Astbury in the vox as well. Which is good, as I've always liked Ian Astbury's voice. :kickass:
As a person, however........well......just ask me about the 'destroyed camera, The Cult getting kicked off a tour' story sometime. :puke:
Not bad. Better than Serenity. So far, you're 2-0-1 with replacements.


I have to disagree, while I' m really liking Saint Deamon, I still like Serenity better. Serenity reminds me of a cross between Symphony X and Sonata Arctica. I'm trying to think what Saint Deamon reminds me off, Malmsteen meets Rob Rock? Liking them more each time I spin their cd. By the way, anyone remember who did Rob Rock replace?
I have to disagree, while I' m really liking Saint Deamon, I still like Serenity better. Serenity reminds me of a cross between Symphony X and Sonata Arctica. I'm trying to think what Saint Deamon reminds me off, Malmsteen meets Rob Rock? Liking them more each time I spin their cd. By the way, anyone remember who did Rob Rock replace?

Astral Doors. Still disappointed by that.
The more I listen to this band (watching various YouTube videos), the more they sound like a traditional metal band. Not power, not prog, not death, etc. - just a traditional metal band. I like what I hear, but I'm wondering how they fit in the "ProgPower" scheme of things? :Smug:
The more I listen to this band (watching various YouTube videos), the more they sound like a traditional metal band. Not power, not prog, not death, etc. - just a traditional metal band. I like what I hear, but I'm wondering how they fit in the "ProgPower" scheme of things? :Smug:

they are the "ODD BALL" band that does not fit into the normal classifications for Prog or Power metal.
So.. THAT'S why all the rum is gone.
Yeah... sorry about that.

I have to disagree, while I' m really liking Saint Deamon, I still like Serenity better. Serenity reminds me of a cross between Symphony X and Sonata Arctica.
Well, that would explain why we disagree. I loathe Sonata Arctica.

I'm trying to think what Saint Deamon reminds me off, Malmsteen meets Rob Rock? Liking them more each time I spin their cd.
I hear a Savatage vibe mixed in there.

By the way, anyone remember who did Rob Rock replace?
Astral Doors.

NOT! Better than Serenity?! Um can you say HELL NO?
We can either chalk this up to the subjective nature of music or the simple fact that I have better taste in music than you. I'm OK with either. :loco:
