say something about ... yourself!

Had a dream about tornado's and it killed the ones i love. Like i said before, if i dream about tornado's I'm usually upset or will be upset. Makes sense because dime died tomorrow and usually I get kind of down through-out the day thinking about it. :(


Sure you haven't been watching the Storm Chasers marathon on the Discovery Channel? (because I am, and it's fun).
Today's gotten off to a bad start. Can't find my MP3 player, but luckily found the headset for my phone so at least I can listen to the radio. Couldn't pack a lunch because OOPS I didn't buy groceries for myself this weekend, was too busy buying Christmas presents and forgot. Lunch will either come from the vending machine, or McDonald's. Blargh :Smug:
Scared to death to go to sleep. Central A/C unit has been acting odd and has odd smells when it runs. Paranoid of carbon monoxide leak. Refuse to die while unconcious. Can't do anything about it, homeowner in Caribbean for a week. Fine time for shit to go wacky.

Yes I know CO is odorless. Not stopping the severe anxiety.
It's 38 F out... I let the house dip to 62 before I turned it back on. I'm buying a CO detector tomorrow. I'll sleep safer if it doesn't go off during the smells. The pets are all alive and looking at me with annoyance, so maybe it's not a leak and the unit has something else wrong. If they all act sick tomorrow, unit stays off until next weekend. Gonna need a lot of blankets if so.