say something about ... yourself!

I just got a huge instant urge to play Counterstrike again. I'm gonna open Steam when I get home tonight. It'll probably take an hour to get through all the updates I've missed since the last time I opened it.
Two hours and 15 minutes after opening up the package, my new phone is all set up, and I think I kinda know how to use it. I think putting all of your contacts' numbers into a new phone is the worst part.
Even better! So you shouldn't even worry about it if you don't want to date him, nor should you even try to befriend him. It should be much easier to give some random, shallow, self-centered asshole the finger than someone with whom you'd like to date.

In fact, I don't think he's even worth mentioning on a message board if it means nothing. Don't even acknowledge his existence.
i hate to keep this topic up, but everyone sure is quick to crucify this dude. perhaps his soul crushing job of serving pizza to spoiled college students to barely pay his bills just beats him down all day, slowly killing him inside until a pretty girl NOT wearing pajamas and looking like she just rolled out of bed walks up to his counter looking good and offers him a small, brief ray of sunshine in an otherwise dark and dreary existence and, GOD FORBID, he smiles and is happier if only for a fleeting moment. what a shallow piece of shit asshole right?
I want a burger, but don't have a voice. I'm sure I could somehow mime my way through the drive through, but how annoying.