say something about ... yourself!

You mean there's no check box on the form out there that says you don't wish to participate because you have qualms about judging your fellow man?

'Cause it's on ours, and I've never had to sit on a jury.
No, California says they make that determination in person.
All I know is I don't want to serve and I'll end up being unfair to the person if I'm not excused.

What ever the majority thinks, I'll go along with. I have other shit to do.

Yeah, in high school we had this "Teen Court" bullshit where we had to go with our US Government class and act as jurors for an actual juvenile delinquency trial. I just about fell asleep through the damn thing, and as such just sat there while everyone else deliberated.
Two relatives being retired corrections officers, one also being a former police officer... maybe I can get a free pass.
Captain Beard, there is A LOT of corruption in the judicial system and the fact of the matter is they will always bring back the jurors who voted guilty the most. I guess i'm saying if you have to participate, pick your side or just vote not guilty lol. My family is full of PO's as well.
I'm picking any side that gets me out the fastest. I really, genuinely do not care about the well-being of anyone who ruins my days off by forcing me to be put in line to try them for their crimes.
I'm picking any side that gets me out the fastest. I really, genuinely do not care about the well-being of anyone who ruins my days off by forcing me to be put in line to try them for their crimes.

:erk: I hope you're kidding.

Direct Deposit is fucking SHIT. Paper all the way, bitches.

Uh, not if you have a bank account :lol: Cheques are a hassle, I don't feel like having to go pick it up or have it mailed to me, then have to wait in line to cash it, I'd rather just have that shit instantly put in my account.

Unless you meant you get paid cash (under the table), in which case, that is fucking awesome.