Squid pro quo
day the earth stood still was libtarded garbage for the most part.
beginning was decent though
terrible movie
except for the .....
day the earth stood still was libtarded garbage for the most part.
beginning was decent though
I wish I didn't drink last night. Not hungover but just dragging to wake up a bit. Besides, it caused me to stay up late and sleep in.
The boyfriend and I made margaritas last night, mmm. And now he's still sleeping.
ammunition at sears?
maybe a coffee pot, tools, condoms
how much do you want to spend?
And there are TONS of options.
Lies, my father owns 4, I can't be happier with how dead on they are. If I miss, it was me anticipating recoil.I was contemplating a Glock in the past but even though they're reliable, it's my understanding that their accuracy is total shit.
Suggestions? Wouldn't be for a little while longer but I like to get ideas.
so i just watched Blue Velvet and i didn't really like it that much at all, i've heard Eraserhead is good but after not liking Blue Velvet i'm not sure i wanna waste my time, is it worth seeing? if not can anyone recommend some movies with cool twists or just movies that in general aren't predictable and lame? i'm tired of seeing movies where i don't even have to watch and i'm basically sitting scene through scene waiting for the end.