say something about ... yourself!

So I got this ancient sewing machine from my parents' friend... and it's attached to a wooden case, and the thread keeps getting caught underneath the machine, but to take it apart and clean it I have to saw through the case. AGH. :mad:
hmm got a new car...a shitty one...but hey its a car
a Ford Fiesta '95 :rofl: and its RED!! how metal

iv been busy all morning getting the radio the work...and now its works yey!

oh and some other things:
Friday i saw: Arch Enemy, Mercenary,... was ok, the interesting part was there where alot of chicks :p
and i was drunk like hell so i puked on my work yesterday

Yesterday i saw: Crimson Falls, Murder Manifest & Cilice pretty awesome show although there only like 20 people
I had a dream where I asked Karen how old she was, and she wouldn't tell me. So out of spite, I traveled the world asking everyone I could her age... no one knew. It took months, I ran into all sorts of people and had odd side quests too. The end of the dream was in Utah, where she confronted me for being so brazen and attacked me with skis at a wedding... she was defeated by Will throwing shoe sale ads at her from Neiman Marcus. My mind not one to avoid steamrolling right over an already controversial situation, she dropped a bag of gold as she ran off. And her driver's license. She is apparently 43 years old. *Waits for angry Karen to come in and read.*
I think i may post here instead of cobot, more Americans i.e. guns, football, and couch related conversations. Kinda tired of talking to 15 year old northern European girly men.