say something about ... yourself!

drove my friend tommy to the mall and hung out while he shopped, he got me Obzen ^_^, and he ran in to an old friend of his from high school, a very fucking fine black girl with a sexy smile, (not as racist as some of youall seem to be) so I fucking go for it and introduce myself and Mike our other friend, anyyywayyy I never talk to girls like this, but for some reason I guess I was really relaxed and maybecause I was with my friends, but I think I was really confident the whole time and she said I should come visit her at work and I was like well when do you work? and she was like well thats a problem that needs solving and so I was like I guess you'll have to call me and gave her my number. She better not have a boyfriend, well its not that big adeal
Eraserhead would be cool if you grew up when it was made and hadn't seen anything like that, or if you were doing drugs, I wasn't a big fan of EH. I liked BV a lot more, because I am a huge Dennis Hopper fan, but overall it is a bit boring, I just loved how fucking weird it was after seeing it the first time. It's not a movie I get the urge to watch often, I'd say 1 a year but I did buy it on DVD in 2005 so :D

I will recommend some good movies in a moment, I need foods first.

it was really boring even though it had some pretty funny lines and parts which i'm not sure if they were intentional or not. dennis hopper was the only redeeming part of the movie, the main character and his girlfriend or whatever were awful and drove me crazy.
:lol: I can totally see how anyone would not like it. Dead Man's Shoes is a film probably no one knows about, outside the hardcore film buff circles, and people from the UK. Like I said, to me it's a great, moving film. The dialogue is in a style that peope might not like, it's comes all together at ones I think it's improved for the msot part, and then there's their accents. But get past that it's an epic film. It's about a guy from the army who comes back to town to deal with the guys who tormented his retarded brother when he was gone. I can't guarantee you'll like it, but I will always offer a film like this before a more mainstream one just because I think it deserves more exposure here.
My dad's boss gave us tickets to the STEELERS/RAVENS game tomorrow!!!! And my boss found someone to take my hours tomorrow, so I get to goooo!! This is my first NFL game and what a game to pop the cherry. Zomg I'm so excited.
Max'll be behind the hot dog stand.
My dad's boss gave us tickets to the STEELERS/RAVENS game tomorrow!!!! And my boss found someone to take my hours tomorrow, so I get to goooo!! This is my first NFL game and what a game to pop the cherry. Zomg I'm so excited.
You're gonna love it. Football games are seriously intense and awesome, especially when your team is good. I had season tickets in 2005 when the Seahawks went to the Super Bowl and those are some of the best, loudest, most drunken memories I have. Awesome times. I am officially jealous, I bet Steelers games are insane.