say something about ... yourself!

Got up at 5am to stand in line for a store that opened at 6am... fucking retarded, last time I do that, I gotta work 12-830 and I'm going to be tired as fuck. I got some good deals though, but, and this was left out of the flier ofcourse, when it said "Only 40 in stock", they meant per day. Fuckers. I got a Xbox Pro for 239.99 though, which is a sweet deal.

You didn't have to trample anyone, did you?
I just drank some "green tea gingerale" knowing that it would be gross because green tea and gingerale are both two of the most digusting flavors, but I couldn't pass up trying it.

yeah it was terrible

vomiterrifically terrible

You have chosen... wisely.
Oh I forgot! I watched four movies over the course of the week!

Hell boy 2. Awesome!!!

Eagle eye. It was great!

Tropic Thunder, the comedy, sucked major ass!

And I think the last was called The Strangers! That movie even made me jump! I was on the edge of my damn seat!