say something about ... yourself!

Oh yeah, I caught this show on T.V. done up by CNBC. It was Called Marijuana Inc. It was mostly filmed in my town/the area. They talk about this dude who was bringing in tons of weed into San Francisco and got caught because he left a notebook with all the info in it at the Dennys in Ukiah... Which is like a half a block from me.


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So, i visited Karen tonight!

planned to get up at 8 but woke like 6 so i decided to turn around a sleep a bit more. dreamt i was at karen's place which actually was a quite nice mediterrean villa which reminded me a lot of southern france or so. in fact the dream was more about getting up then about karen tho. so i tried to take a shower. the bathroom was gigantic... basically there were places to store your personal items like toothbrush etc and they were about 4m² for every person. for some reason i didnt have my shampoo and stuff with me but i knew i was allowed to take of the things that were there. so i started figuring out which of the pretty much wide selection of shampoos was the 13 US$ one in order to not use it. when i had figured out a cheap one i saw that the shower was broken. i found out, that there was another shower on the street so i took my shower there - pretty much totally naked in the middle of a street. but i didnt care. it took ages to finish that shower and then i got my clothes back on and went back inside to meet karen and my siblings in the mediterrean garden of the house.

yea, that's it ... plz go, hobbyfreuds