say something about ... yourself!

Ugh I know... I've had 2 cheat days each week for the past 3... however not consecutively until this week... and it's caused me to skip leg/shoulder/lower back days... So instead I end up doing a little bit of each with my other workouts, which in turn just mean I'm even more sore than usual.


That sucks. Since I don't go to the gym anymore and work out at home, I lack the equipment to really do Bis, Back and Legs. I do barbell lifts for Bis along with Preacher Curls, Leg Curls and Leg Extensions for Legs and I don't even do Back. Though, I don't like Squats because it fucks up your back after a while and I don't like doing Back because my back is all fucked up. I feel that doing Chest is sufficient for my chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps but when I have some extra cash, I'm going to buy more equipment.

@Steve: I feel you man. Ever since I started going to school in 2007, I never write anymore. One of my goals this summer since I'm not taking any classes is to write some shit.
I need to get back into writing and playing again. It's been since last June that I actually spent some time practicing.

I got you beat there bud. I just started practicing seriously again after about a 2 year hiatus, and lemme tell ya, I fucking suck now! I can still do most of Metallica's Seek And Destroy, but that's about as complex as I can go right now.

Though I did already come up with one new riff that I can play slow but can't play at the speed which I want it to be played (now i remember why i got frustrated all the damn time).
Incidentally, my wife and I found out why she's had chronic severe lower back pains as far back as she can remember (and why I sometimes have to physically carry her around the house).

Sacroiliitis is like a constant degeneration of the spine and some connecting nerves causing severe pain. There's no cure for it either, only treatments. And some people can go paralyzed in a few years while others are okay their whole lives. Here's hoping for the second part...