say something about ... yourself!

Your sight becomes naturally more hyperopic with age, the medical term is presbyopia. If you have a perfectly normal sight than that's of course not much of a fortunate thing. But if you've been (slightly) myopic all your life, chances are that it will even out with age and you'll be enjoying a normal sight when you're an old fuck.

Really? Never heard of that. Genetics haven't been too kind to me in that area, so I'm guessing presbyopia will take effect in my 40s, if I live that long, and I'll be enjoying bi-focal lenses. Woo.

Seriously though, myopia and glasses are the biggest nuisance ever. Costly, too.
Had an exam today, got a 97%. Let us leave afterwards, got home at like 9:30am and then played fallout 3 for 6 hours. Walked around nuked Arlington, didn't see Mutant Karen. I have computer eyes now.
Eww Denny's.

Well i have AIDS again. This time its the flu. And my area doctors are wankers because i demanded an H1N1 test and they dont do them here anymore.
Fuck this. Someone kill me.
Isabel, Lesa, Eric and someother people we're coming back from a Deathangel show and we decided to stop and Dennys. Well as we were paying so we could leave this very drunk guy decided to pick a fight with some random guy out front. They exploded through the door and right onto us. I got a little hasty and decided to try and stop the fight since they were right at my feet. I went to grab the guy on top and pull them away from each other and some dude blindsided me. Next thing I know my glasses and gone and the only thing I could find was a lens from them, and I had to drive back with just that lens. I think we were in concord or something like that. It was the gay.
Isabel, Lesa, Eric and someother people we're coming back from a Deathangel show and we decided to stop and Dennys. Well as we were paying so we could leave this very drunk guy decided to pick a fight with some random guy out front. They exploded through the door and right onto us. I got a little hasty and decided to try and stop the fight since they were right at my feet. I went to grab the guy on top and pull them away from each other and some dude blindsided me. Next thing I know my glasses and gone and the only thing I could find was a lens from them, and I had to drive back with just that lens. I think we were in concord or something like that. It was the gay.

Damn... when was this?
I hate violent drunks :/
Me too, except I can't even walk straight today. Tonsil/ear infection ftw! I'm going to the doctor this afternoon :ill:

Really great timing though. My temp job was to end tomorrow but instead it ends today. I feel kinda bad because I've been covering the vacation for this one nice girl. Since the recent layoffs and resignations, NO ONE else knows how to do her job except me. So she'll come back on Monday to find that she has to do today's work and tomorrow's work, plus Monday's work of course. And, this means that vendors won't get paid when they're supposed to so they'll be bitching. Haha greatness. OH WELL. My throat rot is more important. Maybe I'll take pics.
:lol::oops: thanks ladies! It's all good, they scattered like cockroaches pretty freaking fast when the cops showed up.
Sorry to hear about your throat rot Cara, I hate getting sick when its hot out.
On the contrary, I got a flu shot today. I think it's the first time ever. Let's see how this goes!

But then I played Half Life 2 for an hour and now I feel all dizzy and nauseous. This is why I don't play video games :(