say something about ... yourself!

Sorry to hear you've been hit too, Tyler. I think everyone is going to get this at some point.

Good news: My flu symptoms are better. Didn't run any fever yesterday and so far today, body aches are much less severe, no chills.

Bad news: My tonsil is twice as sore today, and I've just had watery orange diarrhea three times in the past hour. W.T.F. That was rather alarming so I called the doctard and they say it's from my antibiotics and red gatorade that I've been drinking. Can't take any more of that antibiotic though, so I'm going back on the one that makes me rashy. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
I already had a bug. here and gone. hope it stays that way.

So this morning I woke up and took a piss like usual (okay usually it's a ruboff but still...), and when I flushed the toilet it started overflowing right away. I guess whoever shit in it last used a LOT of tp and didn't bother to plunge the fucking thing. So from 6:30am to 9am all I did was mop up shit and piss with our nice clean towels that are now in need of replacement (unless cara wants the poo soaked towels?).

And to top it all off, now the plug in the reservoir has a leak or just doesn't seal properly or something cause the water doesn't stop running now. I had to turn it off at the toilet valve on the floor to keep the stuff from flowing over more.

The BEST part of all is: whoever designed this house was a fucking asshound dipshit cockgobbling cuntwhore because the bathrooms are carpeted. So now all that lovely liquid is soaked into half the master bathroom's carpet. And there's no way we can afford new flooring, so it's just gonna have to be cleaned REALLY well or torn up.

I also took out the garbage, cleaned the kitty litter boxes, fed and watered the cats and dog, took the dog out to shit, did dishes (most of em), and swept and vacuumed the floors. six hours after waking up i'm finally able to NOT do something. And yes I did wash my hands at several points through the day. and showered twice already.

edit: Anyone got ideas on how to get solidified caramel out of the bottom of a glass mixing bowl? Whoever melted and poured it (mother in law i think) didn't bother rinsing or soaking right away so now I have a chunk at the bottom about two and a half inches thick that I can't even poke a fork into.
i'm new here :D

i'm btw i'm from Chile..


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