say something about ... yourself!

I'm actually curious to whether he looks significantly younger, but you're right - they may cast him out of SF! :p

Being freshly shaven knocks 5 years of my physical age, no problem.

My mouth watered by just looking at this picture.

Just shaved off all my facial hair.

This is definitely different.

haha Brooks I almost did the same thing this morning. Still might actually, but for today I just went with a big trim action. I look pre-pubescent with zero facial hair.
I haven't overdrawn since I got a steady job. It's been weird not having to worry about when my next paycheck will be, and if I'll get more than 16 hours on it. I could get used to this.

Re-insulated all pipes under the house for winter
Did four loads of laundry
Cut holes for, and put in the last two heater registers in the floor
Fixed the toilet that wouldn't stop filling with water
Fixed the clogged shower drain
Consolidated and stacked 50 pieces of 2x4 for use as shed studs in spring
Put a chicken in garlic and herb marinade for dinner
Paid half of this month's bills in town
Checked and verified that our central heat works for the first time this year
Loaded about 200 pounds of scrap debris into the truck bed for better handling
Swapped out the two rear tires on said truck for my studded winter tires

... am I done yet? No. Kill me
Bought 'Night is the New Day' today. Holy shit 'Day and then the Shade' is amazing.
Was finally able to get to the bank to deposit my check and instead of one NSF fee, I had 6. So 2/3 of my paycheck is gone and I can't pay my dad for my bills. This is effing ridiculous. I know it was my fault, but I want to punch the bank teller woman for telling me she'll be my bank mom and watch out for me. WTF. I'm gonna go punch some babies.