Went to train at USA Boxing yesterday. Starting my basic boxing training and some BJJ training as well.
There are 7 things you can do. For our warm-up we had to do 1 minute of each then after the timer was up we moved on and did the next drill for 1 minute. There was 7 of us so we each did one then moved on to the next.
I started off with the wheel. That worked out my body big time. After the wheel for a minute i moved on to bar lifts, then moved to the bungie cord where you wrap the belt around you and lunge forward to grab the bag. Then knee bends, where you strap another elastic type of cord around your ankles and do knee strikes and after all that it will get you sweating

I forgot the name of the work outs but it was interesting.
I have bronchitis so i was suckin' up wind today. Then I went over some minor workouts on the ground after stretching. My partner would be on top and I would be on my back in full guard and the objective is to keep my partners head down and arms down with my arms while he tried to get into a half guard. When he gets into the half-guard then we switch. Punching, elbowing and all strikes at 25%.
Practiced proper breathing for strikes, and then my trainer went over how to do a proper, but yet basic jab. Stances tucking the chin ect ect.
Then now for the fun part. Since I am new to the gym i guess they do this for EVERY new memember...is you have to get kicked in your left quad with a Muay Thai kick 3 times. My trainer is a kicker and has trained in Muay Thai for awhile.
I have to tense my quad muscle and lean in just a bit when he kicks, because if I just leave it loose it will knock my legs out from under me lol.
I listened, and the 1st kick hurt like a bitch.
2nd kick almost made me want to throw up. I could not put any weight on that leg it dropped me to my knees and my trainer said to get up and walk it off. I did but I was in pain, not LOOKING forward to the next, but thankfully my last kick.
This time I forgot to tense that muscle and my left knee ended up hitting my right knee.
Then after that little bit of FUN then all of us had to get our shins leathered up!
So I started, and I would have to lay on my back both legs up. My trainer Tom would take a punching guard pad and strike each shin as hard as he could 10 times.
I learned to breathe and it gets to the point where you end up letting out all that pain in a scream. Feels good but I will be working tomorrow with a limp.
But overall I had fun and I look forward to more training