say something about ... yourself!

My dad got a bunch of new fish about two weeks ago or so. This last week, they all went Jonestown and died! All of them! EXCEPT five neons. These guys survived and i think they planned it!!!! Sneaky bastards!
I am having a hell of a volcanic eruption this month. Three days in and I'm still hurting to the point I have to stay doped up on Pamprin. And my face! My pewr, pewr face has never seen such a breakout. I can't stannnnnd zits, not this many. GO AWAY :yell: :(
Worst day of my life. well one of them. I woke up sick to my stomach and had to vomit and have been shitty feeling all day. Thats not the worst part.
My dog...My Trusty died today. He went in his sleep...

I'm so sorry, Jamie... I had no idea that you lost your puppy
going in your sleep is a blessing, though. I hope that's how my old Penny goes..she has been going downhill lately. Trusty was 19? That's amazing!

Much love, Jamie!
I'm still waiting on Unemployment to respond to my's been 7 weeks since I turned it in?
I've been waiting since July 15th to get my fucking checks. I'm figuring that we can scrape together enough to pull through December, but I don't think we can afford rent in January. What a great fucking time to be homeless, in the dead off winter. When I was laid off, I was assured that I qualified for unemployment. I've been depending on something I'm apparently not going to get, and the jobs in town are 99% nursing- related. Everything requires special licensing... So I've been pretty fucked.
If I lose my apt, I'm just going to sell everything and live out of my car. I don't care anymore
I'm so sorry, Jamie... I had no idea that you lost your puppy
going in your sleep is a blessing, though. I hope that's how my old Penny goes..she has been going downhill lately. Trusty was 19? That's amazing!

Much love, Jamie!

No he wasnt 19. he was only about 12 or 13. Its just we always had dogs for the past 20 years. Thanks! *hugs*

We got the Madre last night after she came in from her flight from NY. She was pretty tore up about the news but shes actually handling it better than i thought. Theres still the air of bummer around here but normalcy seems to be returning. She brought back cool stuff from NY though! I got a kitchy I <3 NY shirt and a cool book about landmarks.
Fucking eww.

One of my ex's used to always beg to pop mine when I got them. It always really creeped me out, how excited she'd get at the prospect and ultimately doing it, but I let her anyways.

Is it really that exciting to pop someone else's zits?
Yep! Derick and I do back checks on each other like monkeys. It goes like this "ohhh I don't see any pus. OH WAIT! YAY PUS!"

Haha... I do the same with my girlfriend, probably because I know that it pisses her off. :loco:


I'm coughing my lungs out, seems like my cold that started at the beginning of last week has turned into full-on pneumonia. And that worthless POS of doctor sends me home with a fucking cough syrup that has zero effect. This shit is draining me down... if this doesn't get better ASAP, I will go to the ER, lay down and refuse to go until I either get help or get killed.