say something about ... yourself!

sleeping naked is a glorious thing... but i guess no one wants to hear that from me.....hahhhahaha




I just got fucking back from hell....

I locked myself OUT of work...i locked myself OUT of my damn car....cell phone was inside...

somehow...a friend stopped by he had a cell..had to call my boss, had to get a key for my car somehow...

*luckily a 1995-1998 mustang works in a ford contour :|*

then as i had to go across houston to get a key from a superior...we had to drive all the way back...and on that way back my friend his a damn median in the road and we got AIR....its rainy and he knocked the rear view mirrors out. we almost wrecked...

i am finally inside the work building

i need to review files...

what a great start for the beginning of my day at 1:55 AM O_0
I Love the local 7-11...

A) Its past 1am and in utah its illegal to buy beer...

B) They didn't ID me when I slapped a 12 pack of heini on the counter

C) I bought 2 hot pockets and some swedish fish while rambling about how awesome hot pockets are, making it obvious how stoned and drunk I am...

D) They didn't charge me for one of my hot pockets.
That happened to me when i bought BIOSHOCK..

got it from the electronics's sections at walmart, told me to go pay for it at the front..

they missed the game never scanned it and it never beeped at the door.

Fuck yes for free shit!