say something about ... yourself!

I like girls under 25. Reading Niel Strauss has definitely helped me. I got two girls numbers Saturday, and I can't remember who one of them is so I don't know if I should even call it.

Yesterday morning I woke up in a pool of vomit again. Bars, mushrooms, and alcohol don't go together. And I did not intend to do any of them but people kept calling me to come over.

don't mix bars with alc you cunt, you're seriously going to die that way. I have a huge benzo tolerance but after a few 1 mg klon and a couple beers i'm pretty smashed, it's a stupid as fuck thing to do.
On my honor as a man, I'm seriously trying to stop them altogether. It's just really hard when someone has them right in front of you. I think the best thing I can do for myself is stop buying regular weed, and get nothing but hydro. This way I'll be content enough not to need harder drugs.

Because the fact of the matter is, I'm not going to quit drugs and drinking altogether. I'd be lying to myself if I said I was. And bars have done more damage to my life than anything. Including shit that happened to me as a kid, I need to stop making excuses to justify the use of these things. And then when I come down from them, like today, I'm stressed as hell. 20 minutes ago I was just outside looking at the stars telling myself just that.

I'm working towards a better John. Becoming physically and mentally stronger, and hopefully bar free so I'll be more likable. I don't know why you guys put up with my shit. :)

On my honor as a man, I'm seriously trying to stop them altogether. It's just really hard when someone has them right in front of you. I think the best thing I can do for myself is stop buying regular weed, and get nothing but hydro. This way I'll be content enough not to need harder drugs.

Because the fact of the matter is, I'm not going to quit drugs and drinking altogether. I'd be lying to myself if I said I was. And bars have done more damage to my life than anything. Including shit that happened to me as a kid, I need to stop making excuses to justify the use of these things. And then when I come down from them, like today, I'm stressed as hell. 20 minutes ago I was just outside looking at the stars telling myself just that.

I'm working towards a better John. Becoming physically and mentally stronger, and hopefully bar free so I'll be more likable. I don't know why you guys put up with my shit. :)

TBH John, you've never once, NOT ONCE been rude to me even when you were as high as a kite.

I've also noticed that you, like me, usually don't lash out at people here unless they've lashed out at you first. It's not all on you, man.

But for your health's sake, I fully support you and your determination to get off the substances that do you most harm. I've never done anything stronger than weed and I don't think I ever will. Clarity and the feeling of being completely in control is a great feeling. I'm sure Warrel would agree too. :)
Best of luck to you John. It's always been easy for me to say no to weed and hard drugs, but drinking is NOT easy for me. In fact, I've been out of bed for 90 minutes now and already I've broken a drillbit, fucked up two heater vents trying to screw them down, broken one of my wife's favorite peices of pottery that we got on our honeymoon, and jammed up my grandpa's power drill. All I can think of now at 9:30am is "god dammit I need a drink"
Armpit eczema has returned for the winter. Great :Smug:

Gah it hurrrrts! That's what I get for using gel deodorant well into November.
Best of luck to you John. It's always been easy for me to say no to weed and hard drugs, but drinking is NOT easy for me. In fact, I've been out of bed for 90 minutes now and already I've broken a drillbit, fucked up two heater vents trying to screw them down, broken one of my wife's favorite peices of pottery that we got on our honeymoon, and jammed up my grandpa's power drill. All I can think of now at 9:30am is "god dammit I need a drink"

It's really tough.

I've noticed that I'm leading myself towards a problem, and thankfully, I've becoming consciously aware of this before it's become one. I'm now being very strict about not drinking during the week.

Cold turkey is all but impossible, especially with something as ubiquitous and social as alcohol. No one wants to be 'that guy' that doesn't drink, while everyone is getting merry together.

That's the hardest part for me - I'm not 'addicted' in the sense that I need a drink every night when I come home, I'm more 'addicted' to the pleasures of community that forms when everyone is getting shit faced together. To that end, when I drink, I drink - boozing is a one way street to oblivion; if I don't end up on the street, I'm wasting my time.

And I still like to do that. Just not every night. So I ain't drinking during the week.

It's a lot easier to do when you want to. That's how I quit cigarettes.