say something about ... yourself!

Helped the Madre clean the neighbor's house. The batty old lady who married our other neighbor, Lou, needed help getting it ready for showing tenants and stuff. (Since shes gonna rent it out for a while before selling.) Poor batty lady could hardly see and is legally blind, so her house was nearly absolutely minging. D: Madre already worked a day on the Kitchen. Man! But its done now! :D (who knows! I may get paid for it!)


Yeah that was a fun trip.
Saw Star Wars In Concert tonight with my sister. Is was way beyond awesome. Anthony Daniels narrated and the symphony was perfect. Afterwards we "got lost" in Fells Point and hung out at my sister's old haunt. Needless to say I'm having a hard time spelling correctly, though I'm not drunk enough to have forgotten where the backspace button is. The cat's staring at me and I don't know why. I got a really awesome shirt from the concert, too. Pics at a later date.
So sick of possums.

I just killed one. The dog ran at it, my mom was yelling so I went outback, saw it, grabbed a metal pole and broke it's head while it played dead. And I know there's another one out there, we have like a greenroom that connects the backdoor to the yard. My room is right by it so I hear them! I'll be shooting it tomorrow when I borrow a rifle from work.
I feel bad for them, I really do. I don't even like watching a mouse get eaten by a snake.

But there's just no way to keep my cats in, they zip out the doors. And if the dog runs up on it like that, and it decides not to play dead, they could get bit. It could have also had rabies. And my little Amber kitty likes to sleep right out there where they live.

Already called Houston for help, they won't do anything. So unfortunately, they gotta die.
Have your pets had their rabies shots? We've always had outdoor pets and lots of raccoons and possums. Never had a problem.

Our animals and wild animals get along for the most part.


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Aww. I'd never hurt a Racoon. Even though they're more dangerous than possums.

I feel bad saying this but, no. I'm pretty sure my mom got the dogs rabies shots, because they're hers, but the two cats are my responsibility and they haven't had their shots in about two years.

I'm glad you asked though, I need to try (No matter how much I work, I'm in so much poverty it's insane) to set aside some money for them...