say something about ... yourself!

Pics to placate the ladies?

I used to have to put up with that shit when the books were coming out. At least they've all gotten sick of it now and I don't have to hear shit about the fucking movies
In an effort to control my itchy skin I have switched to all things fragrance free, except my facial cleansers, but even they are for sensitive skin. I'm drying the clothes I washed in my new detergent. Just went and checked on them, and they just smelled like clean clothes and nothing else. Kinda refreshing :tickled:
Hot but not really hot. I'm sure that doesn't help but I'm just trying to see if I get any better by eliminating perfumes and dyes. My eczema is hereditary and will appear no matter what I do, but maybe this will keep it from getting really bad.

Also, I seem to be super allergic to Rusty right now. My skin would always break out in bumps after touching his fur, but it used to be that they'd go away within an hour. Now they're still there the next day, and I always wash my skin immediately after coming into contact with him. Blah :erk:
I dont know if it will help exzcema but sometimes i use this stuff called Hibiclens. Its actually an antibacterial scrub mostly used by hospitals and stuff. I would have odd break outs on my chest sometimes and this shit really helped it from spreading.

You can get it at any drugstore (you may have to ask for it since they keep it behind the counters) and its about $6.75 or so but it lasts forever since alls you need is a wee bit.
Couldnt hurt to try.
Cara - you don't use powdered laundry detergent do you? I used to break out a LOT and then after switching to name-brand liquid detergents it stopped completely.

Kevin - you can't fuck up more than I do, seriously. I break so much shit.

I can't stand really hot showers. Then again, I can't stand it being over 75 degrees outside, I start getting pissy and sluggish.

Twilight series, from what I understand, is fairly good in book form. My wife and both her sisters have read all the books, and in the first movie I guess things were done extremely poorly (big surprise there). Even still, I've not read a Harry Potter, and I will not read a Twilight. Screw the fad. My mother-in-law even wanted to bring her youngest two kids (7 and 12) to go see it at the opening show. My wife and I spent the next 20 minutes trying to get her to realize that if tickets aren't sold out yet, there's still no chance she'll make it in time. People will be fucking camping like loser fanboys/girls (no offense to Star Wars geeks as that's quite understandable. Yes it is a double standard so what?)
What I have isn't bacterial, Mah. That might be too harsh for my skin, but thanks!

I've used liquid and powder detergents, just whatever I was in the mood for. As of today I'm using Purex Free and Clear liquid. My clothes and bed sheets feel more comfortable already! And it may be cheap but it does work. Some uh, "evidence" of the monthly volcano came right out. *thumbs up*

As for showers, I like them to be hot enough that it's relaxing, but not so hot that it makes the bathroom unbearably hot and steamy afterward. I hate, hate *hate* hot steamy bathrooms.
Have your pets had their rabies shots? We've always had outdoor pets and lots of raccoons and possums. Never had a problem.

Our animals and wild animals get along for the most part.



Hopefully one of those raccoons is the one that I half ran over at your place that time my mind he's still alive anyway. :erk:

No coons or possums around here, I have tons of bunnies and sometimes frogs EEEEEEEP! and many many mallards. When David visits, we should feed them all stale bread until they EXPLODE!
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aww :(

for a while recently we had a vulture that would hang out around our end of the street, furthering my suspicion of a dead mexican in the vicinity! still haven't smelled anything though.
Total disaster today at the ol' funeral home. A lady died about a month ago and was cremated, the ashes have been with her kids since. Then this week the dad dies so they decide to bury their ashes together. They dug a grave last night but it rained like crazy last night and this morning so, of course, the grave was full of water. The cemetery Mexicans had to bail out the water with buckets during the ceremony, the memorial tree they ordered arrived DEAD, the plaque never got ordered and they didn't even set up a table to place the urns on. I felt so terrible for the family, what a shitty fucking month.

THEN they decide to keep them happy they'll put the urns in the fancy mausoleum and credit the grave plot that was in their parents arrangement contracts towards the mausoleum. Looking at it later I see the dad got the grave for free because he was a veteran so there's no actual money. Now they have to go back to the family and ask them for the 1200 dollars that was supposed to be a credit towards the new place ....I will be playing the "I'm the new person I don't know how to do this stuff!" card.

So seriously, tell your loved ones to dump your charred ass in a coffee can and be done with it. I talked to someone today who was prepaying for her own funeral flowers and harpist. So fucking weird.
Wow! That's crappy. I don't understand why people want to go to that much trouble over a jar of ashes. A body? Sure. But a box of dust? That kind of defeats the purpose of cremation in my mind. My parents just want their ashes to be kept in the house. I told my mom I'd be sure to sprinkle a little bit of them into the litter box :lol:

Hopefully there won't be that many cats left by then :erk:
Wow! That's crappy. I don't understand why people want to go to that much trouble over a jar of ashes. A body? Sure. But a box of dust? That kind of defeats the purpose of cremation in my mind. My parents just want their ashes to be kept in the house. I told my mom I'd be sure to sprinkle a little bit of them into the litter box :lol:

Hopefully there won't be that many cats left by then :erk:

Hahaha, your poor mom. She'll be dealing with cat poo for eternity.

I shall have to take you on a cemetery tour, you can see the creepy Jesus carving and the homosexual angels frolicking with firemen statue.