WTF is up with that guys thumb?!
For better or for worse, you need to have a credit card, probably more than one if you ever want to establish that you are a good prospect for a loan on a car or home. It takes several years of credit and small loan debt usage to establish a good credit history, so start early.
On the subject of credit cards, I heard on the news that Macy's is all upset because places like that may not be allowed to give out instant credit anymore. If that happens then Macy's will probably go under. Honestly, when I worked there, they were MUCH more concerned with how many credit accounts we opened than how much $ in merchandise we sold. One manager told me that the store makes $100 off each new line of credit issued, which is more than what the store makes in profit off of a typical purchase.
No wonder they are so pushy with this damn card every time I shop there...
I hate it. Why would anyone need more than one credit card anyways ?
I have one, and that's enough.
I had no idea that they are so desperate for this card because of that though... wow.
When I design my card it's going to have something like this on it: