say something about ... yourself!

Look guys, I know you're caught up in your IT faggotry, and I know I had a part in perpetuating it, but that's the sort of shit that needs to stop when a pic of a woman in a skimpy bathing suit is posted. There is a protocol for this: you stop, you pay the proper respects, and then you go your separate ways.

Don't fuck it up.
I've seen many women in various states of undress. It's just a Zarkin' bathing suit, it's not like she's licking her titties.
Look guys, I know you're caught up in your IT faggotry, and I know I had a part in perpetuating it, but that's the sort of shit that needs to stop when a pic of a woman in a skimpy bathing suit is posted. There is a protocol for this: you stop, you pay the proper respects, and then you go your separate ways.

Don't fuck it up.


If halfnakedchick.visible = true then
ITcontrol.enabled = false;
PenisBrain.enabled = true;
end if;

Edit: I agree with David, though. A skimpy outfit (and even nudity) is just unsatisfying to someone who has regular access to the Internet. We've seen it all and probably have masturbated to it all as well.
It probably won't matter. Like I said, a lot of companies don't give a shit about CompTIA certs as much as Microsoft but having the cert shows that you have knowledge. Microsoft, Cisco etc. just have more credibility and it's generally dependent on the company. My logic is based off of observations I have made in the job search process I had previously conducted.

Is it a civilian-based job or do you have to enlist into the AF?

Hubschrauber katzen pimmel hut!

im pretty sure its civilian based, she would have probably mentioned that when she told me about it, plus both of them arent in the air force (her husband was but retired) so i would assume no :p

Look guys, I know you're caught up in your IT faggotry, and I know I had a part in perpetuating it, but that's the sort of shit that needs to stop when a pic of a woman in a skimpy bathing suit is posted. There is a protocol for this: you stop, you pay the proper respects, and then you go your separate ways.

Don't fuck it up.

dude if i had known there was i would have shut up but my fucking school blocked that pic so all i see is a little red box :p
I can honestly say that I am jealous. I wish the fucktards in my family gave me the opportunity to take a shortcut into government.

it's funny too because my uncle works in lincoln labs (he makes it sound like CERN :err:) in the security department and his old boss in the AF has been trying to get the job my uncle currently has for years :lol:

apparently he could make a list for all the cert's he has, he said as nice as they are, going to college for it is far better than just certs.
Only camera I have right now is the shitty one in my laptop, but here it is.


it's funny too because my uncle works in lincoln labs (he makes it sound like CERN :err:) in the security department and his old boss in the AF has been trying to get the job my uncle currently has for years :lol:

apparently he could make a list for all the cert's he has, he said as nice as they are, going to college for it is far better than just certs.

Yea and there is such a thing as having too many certs. To be honest, I don't have any certifications, other than my Unix cert that I received through my college coursework. My 'certs' are two AAS degrees and that one Unix piece of paper.

I have heard stories of people with a shit-ton of certifications who list them on their resumes. Believe it or not, I have heard that a lot of companies will actually frown on this abundance of certifications because it shows two things: over-qualification and no real-world experience. Degrees and such are good but generally, you should have real-world experience, hence why a lot of colleges make internships necessary for graduation. The university I currently go to requires 1,000 (or maybe it is 2,000) hours of IT-based work-study in order to graduate. Luckily for me, I already have this taken care of.

Regardless, I'm still jealous. It's been a life-long goal of mine (beside success in music) to work in government but I still don't know how to approach it.
yeah my family if full of people that work in government jobs so they can hook me up, and i completely agree, im sitting here watching these videos and answering questions but i feel like after i get my certs ill forget half of the shit (not on purpose mind you :p) and feel like im not learing nearly as much as i should know (especially since the vids are from 2006 even though the textbook is 2009) so i would much rather get the certs find a low level job at a local computer shop and get some actual hands on experience then move one to better things, most of the guys with A+ here come in straght from work and most of them have staples/geeksquad etc. shirts.
yeah my family if full of people that work in government jobs so they can hook me up, and i completely agree, im sitting here watching these videos and answering questions but i feel like after i get my certs ill forget half of the shit (not on purpose mind you :p) and feel like im not learing nearly as much as i should know (especially since the vids are from 2006 even though the textbook is 2009) so i would much rather get the certs find a low level job at a local computer shop and get some actual hands on experience then move one to better things, most of the guys with A+ here come in straght from work and most of them have staples/geeksquad etc. shirts.

If at possible, try to land a job/internship elsewhere. Geek Squad is a public service which means you won't apply networking and will generally do stupid shit like replace hardware and remove virii. My company's clientele is commercial-based but it's mainly desktop support. To be honest, at first, it was all good and dandy. It has been over 3 months now and to be honest, I'm beginning to dislike my job. I am now forced to come up with ideas to expand the business that covers server-client companies rather than simple peer-to-peer networks. I'm scared of losing everything I have learned but from what I hear, it's like riding a bike.

Sure, it's experience but if you can get something better at first, the experience will be more beneficial.

By the way, I'm originally from Maine and you're my long lost brother. This means your family can get me a job in government.
yeah i wouldn't mind trying to find a good job when im done im just afraid that even though i havet he certs most of what they do will be way beyond my expertise, im really not that smart and going through these classes were pretty though as is, so i would like to get a job at a local computer store to get the basics down (my grandfather works on occasion at a local one, building computers) so i at least i know what im talking about when it just comes to repairing A+ type stuff because knowing the theory is nice but i've only put together a comp it makes it all kind of pointless without actually experience.
Having knowledge in every aspect of computer technology is nice but don't expect to be an expert in everything. This is something I had to tell myself constantly because I would push myself to learn everything about everything. I have since learned that it is best to have a specialty with working background knowledge of other things. By paper, I am a Network Administrator/Network Engineer and a Computer Forensics Analyst therefore, I have no desire to get my A+. I have hardware knowledge and build my own machines, as well as diagnose hardware-based problems but it is not my area of expertise. If someone asked me to explain the differences between the X48 and X58 chipsets, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. If someone asked me to explain the difference between an IDS and an IPS, I'd explain it to them.

The trick is finding your niche and sticking with it. To be honest, I've wanted to work in computers since I was 4 years old (in 1987), long before I ever owned one. Today, I sometimes question why I never perused a career in music.
I'm gettin all the certs I can. The MCDST, Net+, A+, Security+, Server+, and some others I get vouchers from my school, so I don't have to pay (extra) for them. Doesn't hurt.

yeah im paying 4k for A+ and Net+ with all the fixings but imo thats way too much i could get the same thing for cheaper at a community college, i chose this program because my grandfather went here and said they do a lot of hands on, but i realized after i had signed up that they really dont do that anymore and they put in some new rules that really make it more undesirable. i think for Linux+ im goign to try to find something closer to home.
Having knowledge in every aspect of computer technology is nice but don't expect to be an expert in everything. This is something I had to tell myself constantly because I would push myself to learn everything about everything. I have since learned that it is best to have a specialty with working background knowledge of other things. By paper, I am a Network Administrator/Network Engineer and a Computer Forensics Analyst therefore, I have no desire to get my A+. I have hardware knowledge and build my own machines, as well as diagnose hardware-based problems but it is not my area of expertise. If someone asked me to explain the differences between the X48 and X58 chipsets, I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. If someone asked me to explain the difference between an IDS and an IPS, I'd explain it to them.

The trick is finding your niche and sticking with it. To be honest, I've wanted to work in computers since I was 4 years old (in 1987), long before I ever owned one. Today, I sometimes question why I never perused a career in music.
Yeah, I'm thinkin I may have a future in Network Admin. I have an internship now mainly working with Active Directory, and I'm surprised at how quickly I've wrapped my brain around it.
yeah network admin would be something i would like to do in the future, i would really like to do it on linux just because it would be a nice reprive from having worked on windows OS's all my life, Linux is kind of refresing, but windows is soo much easier :p

or possibly netware and eDirectory.