say something about ... yourself!

Something is wrong with my arm. It hurts really bad in the upper area near my shoulder whenever I try to lift it higher than my chest, or reach behind my back, or move it in any direction away from my body. I have no idea what I did to it, it just started hurting randomly Saturday. It was better yesterday but now today it hurts bad again. I'm gonna TRY to train tonight but I have a feeling I'll be calling it a night as soon as I even attempt a push up.
That happened to me last winter from lifting weights. I didn't hurt immediately after the injury but that's what caused it. I couldn't raise my arm for a good few days. Just give it rest and I would not recommend training tonight heh. You'll end up tearing your shoulder badly if you keep using it like that before it heals.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. That it's something lingering from previous training. I don't recall anything in the past few weeks that would be alarming in the area of this arm/shoulder, but I've realized recently that sometimes things don't even hurt when they happen, and you don't know you're injured until it finally does hurt.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. That it's something lingering from previous training. I don't recall anything in the past few weeks that would be alarming in the area of this arm/shoulder, but I've realized recently that sometimes things don't even hurt when they happen, and you don't know you're injured until it finally does hurt.


I have to move out on like $600 a month. My friends sister offered me the other room in her apartment for $200 a month but only for three months. If I bartended at night I could make more money but I don't know if I'm competent enough to even do that right.

But I have to move out asap my mom is so much of an alcoholic sycopath I believe she should spend the rest of her life in a mental ward.
It's amazing once you become an adult when you look at your parents, see how fucked up and wrong they really are... then think about how the hell you turned out as good as you did.
It's amazing once you become an adult when you look at your parents, see how fucked up and wrong they really are... then think about how the hell you turned out as good as you did.

It can also show you how awesome they are and how lucky you are to get so many great things from them... it's not always bad.
My parents are awesome, both of them, and I learned so many things from them, still do.

But yeah I agree with you that a realization always comes to you at some point in life, and if you have a bad situation at home, it's always great to know you made it better for yourself by moving out and giving yourself a better chance!
I didn't get along with my sister until she moved out. I didn't get along with my dad until I moved out. Now they're both two of my best friends. Funny how it works sometimes.
One of my best friends since age 5 who I work with was talking with me today. He wants out too, and since we're like brothers if worst comes to worst and we can only afford a one bed room we don't really mind.

I hear you guys, and thanks for your support! This will probably sound immature, but when I move I plan on just cutting all communication with my moms side of the family. Forever. My aunt is a gold digging miser, my grandmother is an idiot who drank when she was pregnant which is why my mom is all premature and fucked up. And my mom is just legally insane. This sounds horrible but I think she deserved it when my old man beat her. She can really be that much of a cunt. She's a miserable, spiteful person who's benefited from the kindness of other people her entire life.

But regardless, moving out is gonna be great. My stress level will go so much down, having girls over won't be awkward, I think I'll finally be happy with my life. If I wasn't on huge drug binges for the last two years I could have done it already!
Got a text message from my mom today saying I got a jury summons in the mail. GREAT. Really though, I went to the county website, accessed my juror info, and excused myself for being a student. Win.

The jury summons was for January 19th, the first day of school!