say something about ... yourself!

Im sick as well, will probably be sick tomorrow, but that aint gonna stop me from seeing nile, immolation, and dreaming dead!
Also, I burnt the tip of my finger cooking and im amazed by how much it stings.
Slept for about 16 hours last night. I really didn't intend to fully pass out when I fell down on my bed for what I thought would only be a minute or two. I took my jeans off in my bathroom at about 7pm, walked to my bedroom with no pants, intending throw on some pajama pants and come back out to the living room. But I took a quick second to lay down on my bed, and that quick second turned into 16 hours.

My mouth was parched all night long and I kept dreaming that people were giving me full glasses of ice water to drink, but when I put it to my mouth it was empty. Then I dreamed I was at the beach in West Seattle with someone and she was trying to get me to go swimming. It was like 3am. I did, and even though it was salt water, my mouth was so parched I tried to drink it. But my mouth had that reverse magnetic effect going on where the water would roll away from my mouth as I swam and tried to swallow it.

You should have seen the glass(es) of water I just drank now that I'm awake. Also, I feel WAY better, but my head is pounding and throbbing still. Fuck being sick.
Just watched Inglorious Basterds. It was alright, tried too hard to be dark and gritty. It was like one long Jewish revenge fantasy. I was pretty bummed when that gorgeous jewish chick was killed.
I can't stand it personally, I just need the caffeine boost.

Sleeping Pills...well, they make me not able to piss. And I'll have to go really bad, but can't get anything out. And it's gotten worse over the years so I don't want to permantly piss damage myself. I hear they can fuck up your prostate and I think that's what happened to me. I always have to piss again as soon as I zip my pants.

And I have the worst insomnia humanly conceivable. I've been up 50+ hours with maybe 4 hours of sleep during that time that I got early night before last. I drove to work 45 minutes ago and then it finally hit me and I felt awful, decided I'd take the day off and finally sleep. Then I tried to sleep for 5 minutes but it was long enough to know I'm no longer tired.

Edit-So the coffee is like...since I'm going to be awake anyway, it helps deal with the physical fatigue aspect of it. Or something.
I'm being sick today so I don't have to go to a baby shower :kickass:

Today I'm actually sick :mad:

But I got my hamster finally! Aww, Henrietta. She made herself at home pretty quickly. Ran on her wheel for a good while, then burrowed underneath that white piece of cardboard and went to sleep :)





Awesome! Is the tupperware style container permanent? I've never seen a hamster cage like that. It's pretty rad actually.
Yep it is permanent. Storage bins make great cages if modified correctly. They're much bigger than any hamster cage, cheaper, and simpler to maintain. If possible it's best to get one that's totally smooth on the inside so that the animal has nothing they can get a grip on with their teeth. This container has some ridges on the inside that she could chew on, but hopefully she'll prefer to chew on her treats. If she does start chewing the container then I'll just get a different one (container, that is).


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Seems like it could work but I won't be partaking. I quite enjoy soap and showering twice a day (I do a lotttt of lifting and martial arts classes). Let us know how it goes.
Srsly. My hair would grease up and turn into dreds before falling off because my entire body turned into one big zit. I roll around with sweaty dudes way too often to not use soap.

But have fun, Brooks :kickass:

Andrew... have tried jiu-jitsu yet?