say something about ... yourself!

Srsly. My hair would grease up and turn into dreds before falling off because my entire body turned into one big zit. I roll around with sweaty dudes way too often to not use soap.

But have fun, Brooks :kickass:

Andrew... have tried jiu-jitsu yet?

I'm torn... I really want to but my hair is now as long/longer than yours was (at or a bit past my waist maybe?) so I don't want it getting pulled out and all the problems that come with it, I have enough trouble just in Muay Thai, especially with the clinch. I'm thinking I'll do more Muay Thai and Hapkido and get really good with that (we have traditional and then street defense which is taught by a police officer who knows Hapkido and it's totally badass haha) and then once I go bald/decide to shave my head I'll start Jiu-Jitsu. I realllllyyy want to though haha.
My hair is back to my waist now and as long as it's French Braided I have zero issues. Also, this will sound really weird, but I found this water polo helmet that amazingly works very well for the days I can't get my hair braided. I just need someone to help me get my hair tucked up into it and all is well. If you want it bad enough, there are ways :)


Hmm I'll have to read up about french braiding, is it something I can do myself? I could always get one of those caps and tuck it in under there but man that'd be lame haha :lol: I really do want to start it soon though so maybe next month I'll just finally grow a sack and find a way to make it work.
I definitely can't do a French braid myself, but luckily there are a few girls we train with that will do it for me. Just ask random people you know. If the girls aren't going to be there a certain day or whatever, I know people at work that will do it, too.

I would assume since your hair is like mine that there are a fair amount of chicks that would revel in the opportunity to play with/braid it :)
haha yeah there aren't many girls there but I'm sure I could find someone to do it for me. I really need to try it though because if someone gets me on the ground i'm pretty much doomed aside from trying to throw them off or roll over on them and then punch/elbow them while they're on the ground (I doubt that works too well haha)
Well I say give it a go as soon as you can. I'm sure you'll love it. And you can spar at 100% for as long as you want and not worry about getting hit in the face (at least on purpose :lol:).
Awww Cara! How adorable your little rodent beast is!

Cara-Hamster! <3

Shanks ^_^

She woke up at 9:00 and has been running in her wheel non-stop for over two hours now. Derick saw her get water once but all I've seen is RUN RUN RUNNNNNN!!! Good thing I got the "silent" wheel. :loco:

Oh and she's still so tiny right now that she can barely power her hamster ball, and it's the smallest one they make. In due time, in due time.
Was supposed to meet Dahveed for feastings in Fresno, but the weather was so bad, he had to return after about 15 minutes into his journey in fear of his safety. :( Upon leaving Fresno, we encountered downpours that scared us pretty bad. Sucks. And my sore throat seems to have returned.
How does one know its 'the flu' and not severe cold anyways?
I never had the flu in my life, and all severe colds I experienced before felt like the flu...
I was told that when you have the 'real deal' you can't even get up/breath/walk/function...
no you really cant, your lucky the flu sucks, he might have had a fairly tame flu or just getting the symptoms of it, or mabye it was just a bad cold, but a band flu is just as bad as people say it is.
Flu overtakes your entire body. All of my muscles hurt so badly that just touching my skin hurt. When I had flu, that is. So thankful what I have now is just a head cold. I feel fine other than being all snotty with a sore throat.
Flu overtakes your entire body. All of my muscles hurt so badly that just touching my skin hurt. When I had flu, that is. So thankful what I have now is just a head cold. I feel fine other than being all snotty with a sore throat.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking about having the flu.
I don't know anyone who can 'function' when really sick with the flu..

but then again... I don't really know.