say something about ... yourself!

Yeah but when I posted them here everyone agreed, so I was hoping someone would remember based on that. They were wanky Americans no one knew about. Singer had glasses. They all had short, tool hair cuts.
Yeah but when I posted them here everyone agreed, so I was hoping someone would remember based on that. They were wanky Americans no one knew about. Singer had glasses. They all had short, tool hair cuts.

singer a chick?

EDIT: nvm their name is one word, plus i dont think they would do the biography thing.
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Found em! They got a new singer, and took down the pretentious self interview. And they don't suck as horribly as they did a few years ago with the bad singer. Still pretty bad, though.

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just got an offer to illustrate a dark graphic novel for an author I know. She says it's going to be big, woot!

Rolled my left ankle at a 90 degree angle, severely fucked it up, fell in the rain. Plus, yesterday I stepped on a huge rock in the dark and fucked up the insides of my right foot. Basically incapacitated.

Anyone wanna watch some Harvey Birdman?
Goddamn I'm glad it's Friday. This has been an interesting week. The main highlight: I'm finally leaving the on-air side of radio and I couldn't be happier. The way it all worked out has been a "best case scenario" type of deal all the way through and I'm really happy about that. I'll be posting a lot about this in the coming weeks once we're allowed to talk about it.

I'm going to have my weekends back to myself for the first time in over 10 years. I'm going to camp SO MUCH this summer!! :kickass:
I'm glad it's the weekend, myself. I'm finally over the flu. I'm going to drink everyone under the table.

Heh, in my current line o work weekends are meaningless, as every day blends into the next.

Managed to burn some fingertips wi a welding rod at work today. oops.

Then drove home to find a letter summoning me to court. sigh.
was shpongled last night, really intense. I listened to most of Are you Shpongled and some of Tales of the Inexpressible but didn't like it as much. Still an awesome time.
i haven't had the flu at all yet this year. i've only had it once in the last three years. i usually don't get sick much.

we've had two whole days of snow this year up here. last year we had record breaking snow (amount, how early it fell, and how long it lasted). this year we have almost none. Global Warming?

lad - I'm with ya man. I always feel like I'm working. when I'm not at work, I'm home doing house repairs or other such stuff. can't compete with your day though.

Wish I could go get loaded up on some herb. I finally found a local guy I can trust though, so perhaps.... unfortunately the wife is VERY against it. so I gotta be careful. and hope she doesn't check my internet history (clearing cache soon)
Don't worry man, it's about to fully legal in this state. Pretty soon you'll be able to meander on over to the corner mart and pick yourself up some herb. Tell your wife to stop trippin'.
monsoons make for good surfing, yes?

and i agree with you kevin, unfortunately she sees marijooana in the same category as crack and heroin. i love me some weed but i will never EVER touch that other shit. big difference.

it's weird... i looked at my power bill and the average daily temperature is 3 degrees colder this year than last. but no snow this year compared to almost three feet last year. so yeah. weird.