say something about ... yourself!

Goddamn I'm glad it's Friday. This has been an interesting week. The main highlight: I'm finally leaving the on-air side of radio and I couldn't be happier. The way it all worked out has been a "best case scenario" type of deal all the way through and I'm really happy about that. I'll be posting a lot about this in the coming weeks once we're allowed to talk about it.

I'm going to have my weekends back to myself for the first time in over 10 years. I'm going to camp SO MUCH this summer!! :kickass:
*hugs Kevin* Weekends are NOT overrated! I'm so glad to hear that you're happy.
I don't see why some people are like yeah coke is fine but CRACK IS EVIL ARGH >=( I've never done crack and I don't plan to but my friend has done it and coke and he says crack is way better and somehow he didn't magically get addicted to it. It just seems like it has a bad rep to me (in comparison to other hard drugs, in my mind all of the hard ones are pretty fucking shitty haha)
...and well done. Some drugs simply equate to a waste of time, money and the surrendering of a tiny bit of your health every time. Not worth it.
Aw, why? You weren't there very long. Wha happened?

I was there for a year, and I had enough.
Love my co-workers, (in fact I'm having my manager for dinner tonight)
I was the production manager of a small local health publication, and for a graphic designer, to be stuck doing magazine lay-out all day, is like for a professional photographer doing weddings... It's great for my experience, but I'm done. I'll find something better :)
The Zombie Wilson Diaries are DONE!!!

After a lot of work on everyone's part, I'm told formatting is complete and I handed in the cover art this morning.

The book will be published by the ever growing Library of the Living Dead Press. You can preview the artwork here.

For those interested, you can read the online version of Tim Long's story here.

It is great fun and a good read.