say something about ... yourself!

I was there for a year, and I had enough.
Love my co-workers, (in fact I'm having my manager for dinner tonight)
I was the production manager of a small local health publication, and for a graphic designer, to be stuck doing magazine lay-out all day, is like for a professional photographer doing weddings... It's great for my experience, but I'm done. I'll find something better :)

Ah, I see. Well, good luck! I guess in your field, "job hopping" isn't as negative of a thing, because it shows you want to move on and grow within the field.
Homework has kicked my ass this weekend. For my Algebra class we were to review Chapter 1 of our book, which is a review of Pre-Algebra. So, over the course of yesterday afternoon, last night, this morning, and this afternoon, I retaught myself everything I learned in one year of middle school. Gah! It was about a 50 page chapter, for which I made 15 pages of notes and examples :loco:

Hopefully it won't be so bad from now on, as we'll be starting on "new" stuff (although the whole course is basically a refresher).

I didn't really have to do any English homework because class isn't until Tuesday. But, we have a list of 17 assignments to do at our own pace throughout the semester, and I at least wanted to get two done, so I did that. Two a week's my goal. Once they're all done I can stop showing up for class, and just show up to do the final at the end.
This Asian lady tried to get me fired at work and my boss told her to go fuck herself. :lol:

haha Why'd she do that?

lad - I'm with ya man. I always feel like I'm working. when I'm not at work, I'm home doing house repairs or other such stuff. can't compete with your day though.

Nah, just noticed the thread title and listed some stuff I thought was funny in a shit sort of way. No complaints, mind; I appreciate having solid, consistent employment, y'know? Times are tight 'round these parts.

RE: 'house repairs' I've no time for building walls, fixing patios etc. as it's a 12-hour shift, 7-day-a-week contract at the minute.
it is actually, but yeah it sucked, the main bad guy is from another pretty bad series (although i find it much more entertaining so far) Legend of the Seeker.

Yeah LotS is pretty entertaining. Not as good as the books its based on, of course, but they're so different that they are their own entities, so it doesn't bother me.

Also, Bridget Regan is my latest nerd crush.