say something about ... yourself!

that shit sucks. the new heathen was delayed since like 2007, on the day i woke up and saw it had leaked i wasn't sure if i was lucid dreaming or not (surfing the net for metal leaks, what a totally not nerdy lucid dream).
Captain Beard is here. Well, not here, but at Samantha's. Behind her couch. We might go to the aquarium today, and shall definitely have an epic dining experience :kickass:
My back is finally getting back to normal. I slept virtually painlessly last night, thanks to the aid of a muscle relaxer gift given to me by a co-worker. Today I can sit up straight and stand up straight and walk with minimal irritation. It doesn't so much "hurt" anymore, it's more like a "just not right" type of feeling. I think by the end of the weekend I'll be back to 100%. I'm glad this happened in shitty winter so I'm not crippled up for a week straight of awesome outside weather!