say something about ... yourself!

yeah its three days Venice, im sure that will be enough, Rome i've wanted to go too ever since i saw Angles and Demons, i had seen it in movies before of course but that one really made me want to go.

EDIT: oh and since im going do you know any good venues at either location? we get no shows up here in maine so i figure why not go see a show while im in Italy :p

There are venues everywhere in Rome. Qube and Jungle are nightclubs that regularly hold concerts, but it's mainly a goth/metal crowd usually. Carmello from Novembre regularly hangs out at Jungle, and you'll probably even get a chance to see Hour of Penance, as they're always around. Venice not so much unless you're David Gilmour.

I also just thought about something...Flavio, who sometimes posts here lives in Rome. FLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! HOOK THIS GUY UP IF YOU'RE READING THIS!!!!!!

Three days in Venice? Seriously dude, one day is PLENTY. Yer gonna go to Piazza San Marco and the Galleria and that's about it. You're gonna stick out like a sore thumb with all the Asian tourists there. They might even mistake you for an Italian, :lol:.

Also, eating in Venice is not like eating in Rome. A kiosk in Rome is so good that you'll slap yer mama, but it's not like that in Venice. In fact, the best places to eat in Venice are outside of Venice or if they are in Venice, they're really, really expensive. Don't spend all your money trying all the food in Venice because you could probably make it better at home. Wine, on the other hand...go nuts. It's cheap and one of the best in the world.

Instead of spending 3 days in Venice, I recommend you take 2 other days and travel around the northern part of Italy. I'm actually about an hour and a half north of Venice and I can tell you not-so-touristy places that are very nice as well. Check out Udine, Trieste, Vicenza, or if you want to see the mountains, go to Tarvisio. It's a small village on the Austrian border. Take the train to Udine and then get on a different train for TARVISIO, not to be confused with TREVISO, which is close to Venice. Hell, since you've got three days, spend a day in Austria, such as Klagenfurt. It's very close to the border. Vienna is about a day away and Salzburg is about 5 hours away...if you think you can make Salzburg, it's a very beautiful city as well and it's closer. But if you just wanna see Austria, Klagenfurt is just over the border. Have fun!
....btw, my parents are in Italy too right now for their annual 'Italy-time' ...when I was younger I used to go with them every year to our annual Italy trip :(
I miss Italy :(

Chris, beam me into your house in time for dinner kthnx
Haha pig feet, ox tails, etc are a typical thing old black people eat in the south.

I'll start with some San Daniele prosciutto crudo and maybe some speck, then for the first dish we'll have gnocchi with goose or duck, whichever you prefer, topped with ricotta cheese and maybe some creamy polenta on the side. For the second dish you have the choice of either spaghetti with radicchio, penne alla arabbiata, or wild boar spezzatino, which is boar cutlets roasted with herbs and spices in it's own's very heavy but very good. For dessert we have panna cotta, tiramisu, or fruit cocktail. Would you like a salad with that?

Don't worry about the wine, I've already ordered for you...Refosco. You'll love it...a very robust wine from the dark-skinned grapes in our region which yield a somewhat fruity, almost plum aftertaste. If you're driving, I wouldn't have more than's quite strong. You'll dig it, though.

Anything else you'd like?
There are venues everywhere in Rome. Qube and Jungle are nightclubs that regularly hold concerts, but it's mainly a goth/metal crowd usually. Carmello from Novembre regularly hangs out at Jungle, and you'll probably even get a chance to see Hour of Penance, as they're always around. Venice not so much unless you're David Gilmour.

I also just thought about something...Flavio, who sometimes posts here lives in Rome. FLAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! HOOK THIS GUY UP IF YOU'RE READING THIS!!!!!!

Three days in Venice? Seriously dude, one day is PLENTY. Yer gonna go to Piazza San Marco and the Galleria and that's about it. You're gonna stick out like a sore thumb with all the Asian tourists there. They might even mistake you for an Italian, :lol:.

Also, eating in Venice is not like eating in Rome. A kiosk in Rome is so good that you'll slap yer mama, but it's not like that in Venice. In fact, the best places to eat in Venice are outside of Venice or if they are in Venice, they're really, really expensive. Don't spend all your money trying all the food in Venice because you could probably make it better at home. Wine, on the other hand...go nuts. It's cheap and one of the best in the world.

Instead of spending 3 days in Venice, I recommend you take 2 other days and travel around the northern part of Italy. I'm actually about an hour and a half north of Venice and I can tell you not-so-touristy places that are very nice as well. Check out Udine, Trieste, Vicenza, or if you want to see the mountains, go to Tarvisio. It's a small village on the Austrian border. Take the train to Udine and then get on a different train for TARVISIO, not to be confused with TREVISO, which is close to Venice. Hell, since you've got three days, spend a day in Austria, such as Klagenfurt. It's very close to the border. Vienna is about a day away and Salzburg is about 5 hours away...if you think you can make Salzburg, it's a very beautiful city as well and it's closer. But if you just wanna see Austria, Klagenfurt is just over the border. Have fun!
lol we would probably do all this stuff but we are already spending a fortune for the airfare and back and fourth alone, i kind think we should just stay in Rome and explore places outside Rome :loco:
Chris, dude... you just said 'goose' and I LOVE goose!
The craziest thing is.. I can't seem to get it in the US!! Duck is common here, but I can't get goose!
What gives??? America is a country that eats every meat known to men, yet goose is so.. uncommon.
I even went to some exclusive French/ Italian butchers/ specialty stores in my area, and nada.
One guy at this French place even smiles and said: ahhh yeah I want goose too, if you find it, let me know where so I can get it myself"

I'm so pissed I'm working 6 days in a row. I prove myself to be the most competent busser there and my reward is more hours than everyone else. -_-

On a side note, the new Nevermore song "Emptiness Unobstructed", it just goes to show that skipping the palm muting and playing simple power chord chorus's is always an awesome formula when a non rock band is doing it. I think it's my favorite song on the album along with Moonrise and And The Maiden Spoke.

I find myself not listening to any of the other tracks.