say something about ... yourself!

The Topic is "Say Something..."

K- I'm 58 years old and still wanking on my guitars everyday. I have 6 amps sitting here but have become addicted to computers and amp sims (doesn't wake the neighbors like back in the day) - I usually start out on Blues but soon it becomes a Death Metal Fest - I love me some High-Gain Shit. CLUTCH is my all-time favorite Metal Band (I know - old school - but I'm old so give me a break) :headbang:
You'll like Rome a lot. Venice is nice the first time you get off the train, and it really is beautiful, but after a day there it gets pretty meh. Bring comfortable shoes.
yeah its three days Venice, im sure that will be enough, Rome i've wanted to go too ever since i saw Angles and Demons, i had seen it in movies before of course but that one really made me want to go.

EDIT: oh and since im going do you know any good venues at either location? we get no shows up here in maine so i figure why not go see a show while im in Italy :p