say something about ... yourself!

Feeling toxic. I think someone I knew/recently dropped as a friend stole a bunch of my early silversmithing pieces/one of my shawls. I understand if you were going to steal food or something, but frivolous things....why? Getting used fucking sucks.
Feeling toxic. I think someone I knew/recently dropped as a friend stole a bunch of my early silversmithing pieces/one of my shawls. I understand if you were going to steal food or something, but frivolous things....why? Getting used fucking sucks.

Don't put up with that shit. Knock'em out!!
Weather here has been GROSS and humid and hot (record breaking... over a 100 degrees)
and yesterday a huge storm passed by here, and did so much damage... half of MD (the part that is close to DC) doesn't have power, trees fell all over the place, lightning struck and did so much damage all over... holy hell.
It took me forever to get to work today trying to drive around huge trees on the road/ branches and through traffic in bethesda where the traffic lights didn't work... HELL.

but with all of that... that storm brought a cold front, that set back the temperatures from 107 yesterday- to 87!