say something about ... yourself!

Attn: Brooks:

Cannabis Sativa is quite an amazing plant. If there is a tree of life, that would definitely be it :)
This is a beautiful time for one of my favorite Terence McKenna quotes :)

Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.

edit: And now that I've got myself reading McKenna quotes again, I gotta share this one because it's hilariously true.

For monkeys to speak of truth is hubris of the highest degree. Where is it writ large that talking-monkeys should be able to model the cosmos? If a sea urchin or a racoon were to propose to you that it had a viable truth about the universe, the absurdity of that assertion would be self-evident, but in our case we make an exception.
I'm surprised I've got as good as I have with guitar. It feels like something imaginary I could never achieve, But Altitudes is on a whole 'nother level. Something guitarist like me dream of but eventually give up on and become "songwriters". You are truly awesome, dude. You display a level of dedication I could never fathom.

I am not one to wallow in praise, but I will accept your kind words. Thank you!

I don't really care how animals are treated.

You make me sad.
ok calm down. it's my body, and they're my need to get so worked up...

I know... I did get all worked out there didn't I?

I was half talking to you, half talking out loud, sort of to this friend of mine who went on the Atkins Diet a few years ago, and while losing a lot of weight fast on it, she kept on that diet for too long (like almost 2 years) and developed so many health problems and issues... (and when I say issues I mean mental crazy issues...) I am a bit sensitive when it comes to "stupid crash diets" I guess.

I do read a lot about the subject (food/ health/ nutrition in general) I think it's really interesting.

anyhoo, pint?
I got a new toy today!


I also got a rad deal on some great lures as well. My buddy gave me his old Berekely Lightning rod a couple weeks back, and it's a really good rod, so I got a nice reel to go with it. Gonna catch some cutthroat on the Sol Duc river this weekend :kickass:

I also have an airplane bottle of whiskey left over from this past weekend's hike (I usually bring them along as a "victory" shot to drink on the summit), so I'm gonna drink it right now in honor of my new reel. Cheers!
How cool! I've only done it a few times, but I really loved it!
One of my biggest 'dreams' is to go deep sea fishing and catch tuna and cook it the same day! (One day....... One day....)
That's really cool, Kev! Now you'll camp, hike and fish! total relaxation! :kickass:
haha the way we fish is anything but relaxing honestly, especially on the Sol Duc. That river rages pretty hard and has rocks and crags and lil cliffs overhanging deep pools everywhere. It's more like a scramble out to a precarious rock to make a few casts and then tromp through more sticks and branches along the river's edge to the next spot. It's really fun but it's definitely not like casting out, sittin down and waiting for your rod to move. It's more like adventure fishing :D