say something about ... yourself!

I'm surprised I've got as good as I have with guitar. It feels like something imaginary I could never achieve, But Altitudes is on a whole 'nother level. Something guitarist like me dream of but eventually give up on and become "songwriters". You are truly awesome, dude. You display a level of dedication I could never fathom.
officially hired as a personal trainer at bally and i start monday fuck yeah. bad timing though since i have to wake up and eat, lift, shower and then teach kickboxing at another gym from 6 am - 7 am, work at bally from 7:30 am - 11 am then record from 12 pm - 8 pm monday through friday (and that only meets the minimum hours). basically my entire day will consist of working or travel with only tiny pockets of sleep (up at about 4:45 am every day and home at about 9 pm every day so max hours of sleep could be like 6 hours if i instantly jumped in bed haha) but it'll be worth it and a fun challenge since i love training people/trying to gain new clients and i also love recording.

First off, congrats for the hire! That's awesome!

Second, don't kill yourself... Rememebr that 8-7 hours of sleep are as equaly important when working out and living the healthy life like you do. If your body doesn't get enough ZZZs, your work out. appetite, and general health will suffer.

Third... if it makes you feel better... I get up every day at 5am and go to the gym, then work during the day, then work on my freelance stuff during the afternoons/ evenings, on top of cooking 90% of my meals (healthy and fresh rules, but it's so time consuming) and taking care of the other stuff that needs to get done, and getting 8-7 hours of sleep every day is as important to me as breathing... phew!
But you and I know it's 100% worth it, right? :)

Good luck on your new job!!
Also, while I admit that when I saw Soilwork with Death Angel a few weeks back, I spend most of my time while Soilwork were on stage, shooting the shit with the DA guys, I did see 2 songs by Soilwork and they do give out a great live show.
(too bad their material sucks)
Also, while I admit that when I saw Soilwork with Death Angel a few weeks back, I spend most of my time while Soilwork were on stage, shooting the shit with the DA guys, I did see 2 songs by Soilwork and they do give out a great live show.
(too bad their material sucks)

How was Death Angel? I saw them touring for the last album with God Forbid at Crocodile Rock in Allentown, PA. I got there 5 minutes before DA went on and then made a quick exit as soon as they were off. I think they were very impressed by the reception they got, especially in a shitty little rat hole like Crocodile Rock. I was lucky enough to see them on the Act III tour as well. Hopefully they'll hit Starland Ballroom in Sayreville, NJ on this tour since it's a lot closer to where I live.
Just talked to my two friends back home in the US for about an hour - thhe told me for the past 7 weeks they have had 0 carbs in their diet, except for alcohol every now and then, but pretty much 0. They eat meat, cheese, eggs, fish etc. No fruit or veg. They FEEL FUCKING INCREDIBLE. Never in their life have they felt so energetic and fresh! Sleeping better, have no mood swings...Fuck. I have never actually tried cutting out carbs from my diet but I am going to try it and see what happens. Im not a big believe in that sort of thing, but I wanna see what happens.
Well, without knowing what was their diet before they switched to a non-card diet, I can't really tell.
But if your friends ate crap mostly, and a lot of "simple carbs" (candy, junk food, white bread, white rice etc) of course they feel great. Simple carbs boost your sugar levels FAST and causing you to crash fast also, causing your body to become addicted to "carbs" which explains why they say they don't feel sleepy/ mood swings etc.....

BUT, carbs are not bad for you.
temporary, you can eliminate carbs to see results FAST regarding diet, but not eating carbs at all will destroy your liver in time and proved to be bad for your body overall.

Complex carbs is what you need to incorporate into your diet in time; brown rice, whole grains etc.

Everything is good for in moderation.
Just talked to my two friends back home in the US for about an hour - thhe told me for the past 7 weeks they have had 0 carbs in their diet, except for alcohol every now and then, but pretty much 0. They eat meat, cheese, eggs, fish etc. No fruit or veg. They FEEL FUCKING INCREDIBLE. Never in their life have they felt so energetic and fresh! Sleeping better, have no mood swings...Fuck. I have never actually tried cutting out carbs from my diet but I am going to try it and see what happens. Im not a big believe in that sort of thing, but I wanna see what happens.

I'm on Day 8 of no alcohol whatsoever, and apart from slight headaches in the morning (which I'm sure I'll get over once my brain acclimates to not dealing with... residue), I feel fantastic.

In the past week, I've gotten a ton done, lost a little weight, started writing again, joined a gym, played music, saved a lot of money, gotten a fuck-ton of exercise (when booze isn't a motivator, exercise and sex is pretty much what you got to get you goin'), meditated at a Zen monastery, applied to new jobs, gotten an idea for a book to write, and had one of the craziest weekends I ever thought possible without alcohol.

It's probably not a permanent thing - I'm referring to it as an 'experiment in sobriety' - but for the time being, it sure is an interesting, new (ha!), perspective on things.

And carbs aren't the enemy. Too many carbs is the enemy. Just a like too much of anything is the enemy.

Except metal.
And carbs aren't the enemy. Too many carbs is the enemy. Just a like too much of anything is the enemy.


Plus, not eating any fruits or vegtables is HORRIBLE with a capital everything.

When it comes to diets, and healthy living there is no debate:

Eat a balanced diet, with lots of vegtables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein and exercise daily.

How many times have we heard this???

yet people still go on fad diets.
if i can be modest for a second and say that i am an incredible shape, because i am, then youll see that i really dont put too much stock in the diet thing, or worrying about eating right. i burn everything off and eat fine. what excited me was the energy increase they had. i always wake up exhausted in the am, which has always surprised me since i work out so fucking hard and get plenty of recovery sleep - 8 9 hrs, sometimes 10 per night. i want to sleep better and feel better. maybe shocking my body for a month or two will do the trick. maybe its carb related, maybe not. but i do eat A LOT of carbs. my flatmate/girlfriend is italian and cooks well. of course, this is not a long term thing. i mean, i realize fully that no veg or fruit is a serious vitamin deficiency problem. they just laughed when i told them that. and alcohol is not a problem for me. i rarely drink and when i do, never more than 2 or 3 beers. im too old for that shit now.