say something about ... yourself!

if i can be modest for a second and say that i am an incredible shape, because i am, then youll see that i really dont put too much stock in the diet thing, or worrying about eating right. i burn everything off and eat fine. what excited me was the energy increase they had. i always wake up exhausted in the am, which has always surprised me since i work out so fucking hard and get plenty of recovery sleep - 8 9 hrs, sometimes 10 per night. i want to sleep better and feel better. maybe shocking my body for a month or two will do the trick. maybe its carb related, maybe not. but i do eat A LOT of carbs. my flatmate/girlfriend is italian and cooks well. of course, this is not a long term thing. i mean, i realize fully that no veg or fruit is a serious vitamin deficiency problem. they just laughed when i told them that. and alcohol is not a problem for me. i rarely drink and when i do, never more than 2 or 3 beers. im too old for that shit now.

Your friends laughed when you told them about the vitamin deficiency about not eating produce? They are fools.
Produce not only gives you "vitamins" but important fiber, minerals, vitamins, and are number 1 source for healthy body function.
Eating plenty of produce can reduce your chance for cancer, diabetes, kidney stones and just about any deadly harm for your body.
Not to mention important nutrients your body needs, DAILY.

If you're worried about energy levels, that diet will do nothing for you!
You are basing your chance of harming your body based on two people who feel energized because they are giving their body a "shock" state?
It's a well known fact that if you ate like crap all your life, and all of a sudden went on a fast-diet, putting your body in a state of shock, you'll have either more energy or completely 0 energy (some people react differently)
and I can almost 100% gaurantee you, that those two friends of yours ate like crap before going on that diet.
So your two friends say they feel amazing: good for them!
But how sure are you that they really do feel energized??? Maybe they're not giving you all the truth? People always make anything prettier when talking to a distant friend. And maybe you will react differently to this diet and it will only make you more sleepy/ less healthy? / sick?
If you are in such an amazing shape, eat well, and exercise, like you say, your problem with the "lack of energy" is not within the diet or carbs. It can be a sleeping disorder, it can be that your coffee sucks, it can be because you're not sleeping on the right pillow, my god, it can be a million things, and it can also be simply, due to the fact that you're not a morning person!

Please don't go on those idiotic "no carbs, no produce" crap diets, they do more damage than good.

(and ask your friends for how long they plan on sticking to that diet, and when is their next physical... :rolleyes: )
People can't survive on junk. Meat should be a supplemental part of your diet, not the main dish. Your friends are probably feeling energetic because of their large intake of protein, but you can find protein in other foods besides meat and dairy. If you eat a diet high in meat and cheese, and those are the main foods, I guarantee your cholesterol will skyrocket and you will drastically increase your risk of heart disease and cancer, especially colon cancer. People relied primarily on fruits, vegetables and ancient grains for sustenance, and our bodies still need them. Not much has changed.

Also, when you learn about how the animals are treated in the meat industry, you might want to buy locally/cage free/grass fed/hormone free etc. What affects them affects you. The meat you buy in supermarkets comes from about 3 different companies, and they all treat their animals the same. Squalid conditions, overcrowding, disease, darkness (in the chicken sheds), antibiotics,'re eating all of it. They're fed Liberty Corn garbage, and it basically kills them slowly/causes ecoli to run rampant in their systems. If they didn't slaughter cows at a certain time, the cows would die anyway because the corn they're fed destroys them. They're meant to eat grass, not corn, especially high starch, genetically modified Liberty Corn.

Many cows that enter the slaughterhouse are caked in their own shit from the feedlots. Guess where that shit goes when they get chopped up?

And before I get lambasted, I love meat. I just refuse to buy garbage meat, and I refuse to support the companies that condone abuse/don't care about how their products harm people.
It's all about greed, nothing else.
Also, Meat and dairy are both acidifying. There is merit to eating a healthy, varied diet rich in vibrant greens and colorful fruits:most are highly alkalizing. You need an alkaline body to function properly, and I mean that in every way. Immunity, digestion, mental health, etc. A PH of roughly 7.3 or 7.4 allows everything to work properly.

I will say it once again, I am living proof that alkalizing your body allows it to function like a well-tuned machine. It can fight off almost anything, including a fucking plague like MRSA. That is what I've been doing, and it works fucking wonders. I'm eating roughly 70% alk and 30% acid foods. If I fuck up and eat, for example, a few slices of store bought pizza (shudder), I pay for it later with my skin.

If your friends continue being negligent about their bodies, they will get sick. :cry:

Everything in moderation :)
I don't really care how the animals are treated, however I usually buy that organic free range happy cow hippy shit because them meats tend to taste better (and that I DO care about). Especially lamb.
If it's happy, fed a proper diet & well cared for, it will probably taste amazing *that just sounds creepy*.
I mean, look at Kobe beef...I would love to try that :)
People can't survive on junk. Meat should be a supplemental part of your diet, not the main dish. Your friends are probably feeling energetic because of their large intake of protein, but you can find protein in other foods besides meat and dairy. If you eat a diet high in meat and cheese, and those are the main foods, I guarantee your cholesterol will skyrocket and you will drastically increase your risk of heart disease and cancer, especially colon cancer. People relied primarily on fruits, vegetables and ancient grains for sustenance, and our bodies still need them. Not much has changed.

Also, when you learn about how the animals are treated in the meat industry, you might want to buy locally/cage free/grass fed/hormone free etc. What affects them affects you. The meat you buy in supermarkets comes from about 3 different companies, and they all treat their animals the same. Squalid conditions, overcrowding, disease, darkness (in the chicken sheds), antibiotics,'re eating all of it. They're fed Liberty Corn garbage, and it basically kills them slowly/causes ecoli to run rampant in their systems. If they didn't slaughter cows at a certain time, the cows would die anyway because the corn they're fed destroys them. They're meant to eat grass, not corn, especially high starch, genetically modified Liberty Corn.

Many cows that enter the slaughterhouse are caked in their own shit from the feedlots. Guess where that shit goes when they get chopped up?

And before I get lambasted, I love meat. I just refuse to buy garbage meat, and I refuse to support the companies that condone abuse/don't care about how their products harm people.
It's all about greed, nothing else.

ABSO*fucking*LUTELY. Words of wisdom.

I only buy free-range/ organic/ grass fed/ animal products, and eat meat *maybe* 2 times a week. You do not need to eat meat on a daily basis.
I had Kobe beef meatballs once. They were pretty fucking awesome

I had Kobe beef meatballs once as well but I wasn't really that impressed with them (at some buffet in Vegas). If I get beef, I usually get buffalo because of it's low fat content and the fact that it's friggin' delicious. For chicken I only go with free range/organic because it does taste better and you don't need all the hormones and antibiotics in you. I'm convinced that all the shit they inject into animals is a major source of what is causing almost everyone to get cancer at one point or another in their life. I switched over to organic 8 years ago.

Basically anything that grows in dirt or sprouts out of the ground you should buy organic because of allt he pesticides and shit.
Just watched a squirrel struggling to steal a peach from our peach tree in the back yard. He/she eventually got it and disappeared into the bushes with it. Cute :)
Well, in that case, smoke pot.

Cannabinoids Kill Cancer and Our Government Has Known for 36 Years

Below is a repost of an article published on Americans for Safe Access website: in November of 2003. The article describes how cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals and also kill cancer cells. Then it finishes off by saying that the US government has known for more than 35 years and that the media which would normally go crazy about a cancer cure story like this, doesn’t at all and in fact seem to be burying the story rather than promote it in any way. I for one am amazed at the government’s stance on marijuana and their failed war on drugs, which is more like a war on it’s own country. I guess too many people get rich off of the war on drugs.

by Steve Kubby, Sierra Times
November 10th, 2003

A new study published in Nature Reviews-Cancer provides an historic and detailed explanation about how THC and natural cannabinoids counteract cancer, but preserve normal cells.

The study by Manuel Guzmán of Madrid Spain found that cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals. They do so by modulating key cell-signalling pathways, thereby inducing direct growth arrest and death of tumor cells, as well as by inhibiting the growth of blood vessels that supply the tumor.

The Guzman study is very important according to Dr. Ethan Russo , a neurologist and world authority on medical cannabis: “Cancer occurs because cells become immortalized; they fail to heed normal signals to turn off growth. A normal function of remodelling in the body requires that cells die on cue. This is called apoptosis, or programmed cell death. That process fails to work in tumors. THC promotes its reappearance so that gliomas, leukemias, melanomas and other cell types will in fact heed the signals, stop dividing, and die.”

“But, that is not all,” explains Dr. Russo: “The other way that tumors grow is by ensuring that they are nourished: they send out signals to promote angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels. Cannabinoids turn off these signals as well. It is truly incredible, and elegant.”

In other words, this article explains several ways in which cannabinoids might be used to fight cancer, and, as the article says, “Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies.

Usually, any story that even suggests the possibility of a new treatment for cancer is greeted with headlines about a “cancer cure” – however remote in the future and improbable in fact it might be. But if marijuana is involved, don’t expect any coverage from mainstream media, especially since mainstream editors have been quietly killing this story for the past thirty years…

That’s right, news about the abilility of pot to shrink tumors first surfaced, way back in 1974. Researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institutes of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia.

The Washington Post reported on the 1974 study — in the “Local” section — on Aug. 18, 1974. Under the headline, “Cancer Curb Is Studied,” it read in part: “The active chemical agent in marijuana curbs the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice and may also suppress the immunity reaction that causes rejection of organ transplants, a Medical College of Virginia team has discovered.” The researchers “found that THC slowed the growth of lung cancers, breast cancers, and a virus-induced leukemia in laboratory mice, and prolonged their lives by as much as 36 percent.”

“News coverage of the Madrid discovery has been virtually nonexistent in this country. The news broke quietly on Feb. 29, 2000 with a story that ran once on the UPI wire about the Nature Medicine article,” complained editor Richard Cowan , who said he was only able to find the article through a link that appeared briefly on the Drudge Report Web page. “The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Los Angeles Times all ignored the story, even though its newsworthiness is indisputable: a benign substance occurring in nature destroys deadly brain tumors,” added Cowan.

On March 29, 2001, the San Antonio Current printed a carefully researched, bombshell of a story by Raymond Cushing titled, “POT SHRINKS TUMORS; GOVERNMENT KNEW IN ‘74.” Media coverage since then has been nonexistant, except for a copy of the story on Alternet.

It is hard to believe that the knowledge that cannabis can be used to fight cancer has been suppressed for almost thirty years , yet it seems likely that it will continue to be suppressed. Why?

According to Cowan, the answer is because it is a threat to cannabis prohibition . “If this article and its predecessors from 2000 and 1974 were the only evidence of the suppression of medical cannabis, then one might perhaps be able to rationalize it in some herniated way. However, there really is massive proof that the suppression of medical cannabis represents the greatest failure of the institutions of a free society, medicine, journalism, science, and our fundamental values,” Cowan notes.

Millions of people have died horrible deaths and in many cases, familes exhausted their savings on dangerous, toxic and expensive drugs. Now we are just beginning to realize that while marijuana has never killed anyone, marijuana prohibition has killed millions.​
Your friends laughed when you told them about the vitamin deficiency about not eating produce? They are fools.
Produce not only gives you "vitamins" but important fiber, minerals, vitamins, and are number 1 source for healthy body function.
Eating plenty of produce can reduce your chance for cancer, diabetes, kidney stones and just about any deadly harm for your body.
Not to mention important nutrients your body needs, DAILY.

If you're worried about energy levels, that diet will do nothing for you!
You are basing your chance of harming your body based on two people who feel energized because they are giving their body a "shock" state?
It's a well known fact that if you ate like crap all your life, and all of a sudden went on a fast-diet, putting your body in a state of shock, you'll have either more energy or completely 0 energy (some people react differently)
and I can almost 100% gaurantee you, that those two friends of yours ate like crap before going on that diet.
So your two friends say they feel amazing: good for them!
But how sure are you that they really do feel energized??? Maybe they're not giving you all the truth? People always make anything prettier when talking to a distant friend. And maybe you will react differently to this diet and it will only make you more sleepy/ less healthy? / sick?
If you are in such an amazing shape, eat well, and exercise, like you say, your problem with the "lack of energy" is not within the diet or carbs. It can be a sleeping disorder, it can be that your coffee sucks, it can be because you're not sleeping on the right pillow, my god, it can be a million things, and it can also be simply, due to the fact that you're not a morning person!

Please don't go on those idiotic "no carbs, no produce" crap diets, they do more damage than good.

(and ask your friends for how long they plan on sticking to that diet, and when is their next physical... :rolleyes: )

ok calm down. it's my body, and they're my need to get so worked up...
I eat lots of carbs but I also eat lots of vegetables and fruit. My carbs mainly come from pasta of course, and rarely from things like hamburgers or french fries. I love sandwiches but I try to keep everything in line.

The only thing we should stay away from as adults is actually dairy. Dairy is toxic to the body the older you get, and it should be consumed less and less as we get older; not necessarily altogether avoided, but it should be consumed like one would consume chocolate or sugar or saturated fat.