if i can be modest for a second and say that i am an incredible shape, because i am, then youll see that i really dont put too much stock in the diet thing, or worrying about eating right. i burn everything off and eat fine. what excited me was the energy increase they had. i always wake up exhausted in the am, which has always surprised me since i work out so fucking hard and get plenty of recovery sleep - 8 9 hrs, sometimes 10 per night. i want to sleep better and feel better. maybe shocking my body for a month or two will do the trick. maybe its carb related, maybe not. but i do eat A LOT of carbs. my flatmate/girlfriend is italian and cooks well. of course, this is not a long term thing. i mean, i realize fully that no veg or fruit is a serious vitamin deficiency problem. they just laughed when i told them that. and alcohol is not a problem for me. i rarely drink and when i do, never more than 2 or 3 beers. im too old for that shit now.
Your friends laughed when you told them about the vitamin deficiency about not eating produce? They are fools.
Produce not only gives you "vitamins" but important fiber, minerals, vitamins, and are number 1 source for healthy body function.
Eating plenty of produce can reduce your chance for cancer, diabetes, kidney stones and just about any deadly harm for your body.
Not to mention important nutrients your body needs, DAILY.
If you're worried about energy levels, that diet will do nothing for you!
You are basing your chance of harming your body based on two people who feel energized because they are giving their body a "shock" state?
It's a well known fact that if you ate like crap all your life, and all of a sudden went on a fast-diet, putting your body in a state of shock, you'll have either more energy or completely 0 energy (some people react differently)
and I can almost 100% gaurantee you, that those two friends of yours ate like crap before going on that diet.
So your two friends say they feel amazing: good for them!
But how sure are you that they really do feel energized??? Maybe they're not giving you all the truth? People always make anything prettier when talking to a distant friend. And maybe you will react differently to this diet and it will only make you more sleepy/ less healthy? / sick?
If you are in such an amazing shape, eat well, and exercise, like you say, your problem with the "lack of energy" is not within the diet or carbs. It can be a sleeping disorder, it can be that your coffee sucks, it can be because you're not sleeping on the right pillow, my god, it can be a million things, and it can also be simply, due to the fact that you're not a morning person!
Please don't go on those idiotic "no carbs, no produce" crap diets, they do more damage than good.
(and ask your friends for how long they plan on sticking to that diet, and when is their next physical... )