say something about ... yourself!

Just as I still like early Metallica or early Nightwish. Fuck that shit, some of that stuff was awesome!
But of course(unrelated to Pantera), people generally LOVE to jump on the 'yeah they were good but now they suck ' bandwagon , especially when it comes to bands who achieve more mainstream success. It might be true that they end up sucking as a consequence, but the old stuff's still there let's be serious.
Something similar happened to Slayer at one point, and lately I've heard similar unjustifiable opinions about the new Nevermore too.

yay someone else who likes early nightwish :oops:

yeah, becoming famous =//= bad
It's hard to believe that when Oceanborn came out having operatic female vocals in metal was a novel idea considering how many bands do it now.

I really enjoyed that album when it came out, as well as Wishmaster, there really was nothing that sounded like Nightwish before they came out.

By the time the album after that rolled around I was completely done with operatic femal vocals in metal, that became old and tiresome to listen to very quickly for me. But OC and WM were cool albums for me during the height of my prog/power metal listening years.

This might be my all time favorite guitar tone of any metal album ever.
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Gotta say this song sends chills. Love it.

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For those who enjoy Pantera and Dimebag, you will be more than happy to find that Attila is a huge Pantera fan. Don't tell me that he doesn't have Dime's feel and style down, because this is as close as it gets:

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