say something about ... yourself!

Well, they're just like any other big city. If you go around flashing your money and leave your stuff lying around, someone will probably try to take it.

The gypsies are literally like ninjas, however. Keep your doors locked and your valuables with you or in a safe place. You won't have to worry about serious crime.

One more thing: DO NOT let the African street vendors talk you into negotiating with them. They'll literally reach in your wallet while you're trying to pay for something...they're fucking thieves. The police have cracked down pretty hard on them lately, though. I had some poor Moroccan guy trying to sell me a rose because I was walking in the piazza with my wife and the cops swarmed on him, asked him for his permit knowing he didn't have one, and took him away. I kinda felt sorry for him, until I realized that they choose to do shit like this instead of getting a fucking job.

Just don't be careless, that's all. You shouldn't have any problems.
its also past peak tourist season so its probably a little safer? i went to europe at the end of october and didnt have any problems anywhere. in fact, lots of people would come up to me and try to talk to me in whatever crazy language they spoke in the country we happened to be in, so not looking like a tourist probably helps too.
I had a dream that I was in Britain last night and didn't realize it until I noticed everyone was looking at me funny. They KNEW!
its also past peak tourist season so its probably a little safer? i went to europe at the end of october and didnt have any problems anywhere. in fact, lots of people would come up to me and try to talk to me in whatever crazy language they spoke in the country we happened to be in, so not looking like a tourist probably helps too.

Yeah this too. It'll still be crowded because that's just how it is, but at least the summer will be over.

There are relatively few beggars, aside from the gypsies coming up to you with two teeth in their head asking for money. There's an old, old woman in Venice that's quite poor that sits on the steps next to the canal close to the Best Western Hotel and I always give her money. She's got seriously damaged legs and can't get around. In fact, the only beggars you'll see are people who seriously need it; they'll have like one leg or whatever and they sit outside their door to their house with a cup, just watching people go by. The state takes care of their necessities...they're not just thrown out on the street, but it's the bare necessities. I always give her a few euros when I go to Venice.
Was it because you had straight teeth and didn't put jam in your spaghetti?
haha actually my teeth are far from straight, but that's beside the point.

In the dream, once I realized I was in a different country and people were looking at me weird, I instantly felt ashamed to be an American. Not sure what this means because in wake mode I don't really give a shit.
I don't think it has to do with being American. It sounds like you're involved with a group of people in your life but are still a little outside of their circle and maybe feel a bit self-conscious about that. Does that apply in any way?

I have dreams like that sometimes where I'm very distressed over something in the dream when in real life I would never give two shits about.
sweet thanks for the advice, i dunno if i asked this already but how is the language barrier, i don't really know any Italian, some of the people going with me are trying but it probably wont be enough. do a fair amount of them speak a little english or should I pirate rosetta stone and start learning? :p
It sounds like you're involved with a group of people in your life but are still a little outside of their circle and maybe feel a bit self-conscious about that. Does that apply in any way?
Not really. Unless by "group of people" you really mean "society in general", then... maybe.
sweet thanks for the advice, i dunno if i asked this already but how is the language barrier, i don't really know any Italian, some of the people going with me are trying but it probably wont be enough. do a fair amount of them speak a little english or should I pirate rosetta stone and start learning? :p

That depends on the type of language you intend on using. Do you want to sit down and have a conversation with someone, or do you want to know where the bathroom is? It's always good to know a bit of the language of the country in which you're traveling anyway.

Not very many older people speak English here, but younger people typically have no problems communicating, at least in the north. Rome is more or less the same but still a bit behind in some places. And then there are those who will pretend to not speak English because they don't want to arse with the tourists.
Not really. Unless by "group of people" you really mean "society in general", then... maybe.

Of course, it could be that the symbolism is bullshit and that you're really a little hesitant to make it known you're American in a foreign country, :lol:. In reality it's safer...not that terrorists will come running up to you with bombs strapped to their chest, but it helps to be anonymous.
Was lucky enough to catch footage of a tornado in Dallas from beginning to end. It was fascinating. It actually hit really close to us, too close for comfort!
Met my newest favorite band of all time of the moment, BEAK>, after their in store performance at Amoeba today. They signed my LP, gave me a limited edition cassette tape, and left me feeling like a little fanboy.

Been a while since I've felt like a fan. Feels good!