that's not you're place to sayAll Americans are tasteless, rude, would-be sarcastic obnoxious dimwits. ALL of them. And none of them know the right usage of 'your' and you're' either.
FU America!
Haha, what a strange question.
I think most Italians have Medditerranean skin tones.
hehe we had a hotel manager that was french, we had one couple come up he started speaking french to them to switched to another couple that were italian and he started speaking Italian to them (and he sounded like he could pass for a native as far as i could tell). then we came up and he switched to english and he was actual quite articulate and we could understand him quite easily. We just started clapping and he was confused so we told him we were impressed
also anyone else notice in their italian excursions that the French assholes to them? we were in the Sistine chapel and this one guy snapped a photo on his iPhone. So the guards came over and started talking to him in french and the guy argued with them till they eventually threw him out. Then in Doje's palace some french lady was pissed off cause she couldn't exit out the front door (which was packed with people) and the guard told her to go across the courtyard to the exit but she kept yelling at them in French and kept trying to push past them. it was fucking retarded.
1. are carabinieri like GSG-9 or SWAT? cause we saw like three different police forces, then all the carabinieri we saw were in like armored trucks.
2. are there any police in Venice? we saw some guys in mllitary uniform and like two empty carabinieri boats docked up.
thats it...
^ that's strange to hear Stormo... because Americans for the most part are extremely polite
yeah but you would think with all those tourist in Venice there would be a decent amount of crime especially pickpocketing. I was just surprised I didn't see any running around.
Stereotypes are the worst thing in existence next to monotheistic religion.
Its Funny, my friends told me stories about when they went backpacking across Europe and met really nice people. Once they told them that they were American they became rude and short with them. So my buddies came up with the Idea of telling the locals that they were from California. Like night and day the peoples attitudes became. "oh, I love California, that place is cool, do you go surfing, etc..."
It must be some preconceived notion that Americans are total douche bags with no clue on how to be civilized and courteous.
Dead Winter, They said they met some of the nicest people in Italy when they went. The language barrier wasn't much of one since they had books and whatnot telling them some of the useful words and phrases they'll need.