Thanks, but it's just my take on things. It doesn't necessarily mean I'm in any way, shape or form an expert but rather just my feelings on the subject. I'm brutally honest with myself and my country but people tend to jump on bandwagons here in Europe too. People here are no more in tune with their own country's foreign policy, much less that of the US, and I end up having to step on a few heads every now and then and burst their "America is an evil empire" bubble.
It's almost like they view the US as a corporation and not a nation acting in its own best interest. You get the feeling that some people don't understand why a country would want something in return for whatever aid they're giving. That doesn't mean that I agree with all our policies, but I know that they're done for the nation's perceived best interest, whether they're good policies or not. The US pays 25% of the UN's entire budget and gives out billions and billions every year to the very nations that consistently vote against the US in the UN. Why we don't cut off the funding is beyond me. "I want you to give me all your money and I'm not going to give you anything in return, and if you don't like that, then you're an evil, greedy empire!" It's stupid.