say something about ... yourself!

I'm American and I have observed over the years a very strange phenomenon. American's are very polite in general, to foreigners, in America. When Americans travel outside of America they act very immature and rude toward other people. I think it's because the American attitude is pretty much one of: 'oh, in America we have everything, everything is efficient, it's easier, better etc' and when they get to other countries they can't believe how 'behind' they are culturally, in many areas. THAT is the aspect of America that I don't like.

That's actually true. We always compare everything and even if we don't mean anything by it, we tend to come off as dicks.
John, I would warm up if I were you. Don't move to a foreign country if you've never lived in a city where you didn't know anyone. It's not easy moving to Europe, man. You either need a job, a university, or a wife in order to legally live here for more than three months at a time. You're going to need to learn the language and you're going to need to do all kinds of legal stuff just to get by.

I would get your affairs in order and save at least 10,000 dollars before moving to Europe. The economy is shit here as well and the jobs aren't any better here than there.

If I had to move somewhere in the US, it would either be Seattle or someplace in Montana.
It just hit me 1/3 of the way into Franzen's [ame=""]Freedom[/ame], how good a motherfucker it really is. Usually I shy away from mega-blockbuster-best-sellers! but my most well-read friend recommended it, so I picked it up. And goddamn it is good.

The great American novel of this generation? Quite definitely maybe.

My punkin sez Boo!
That's actually true. We always compare everything and even if we don't mean anything by it, we tend to come off as dicks.

But you know, it's so easy to point the finger at Americans for it, where really, the French, Germans, Italians and pretty much everyone else does the same thing overseas... Do you know how many rude Italian tourist I have came across? Comparing everything to Italy? and shall I even bother with the French? They are all the same.. But everyone just loves to hate on those "dumb" Americans who act like asses overseas.
Truth is, while that might be true, and I have met some rude Americans in my travels, I hardly think it's the majority.
But you know, it's so easy to point the finger at Americans for it, where really, the French, Germans, Italians and pretty much everyone else does the same thing overseas... Do you know how many rude Italian tourist I have came across? Comparing everything to Italy? and shall I even bother with the French? They are all the same.. But everyone just loves to hate on those "dumb" Americans who act like asses overseas.
Truth is, while that might be true, and I have met some rude Americans in my travels, I hardly think it's the majority.

Yup...well said. It's pretty much cool to hate on Americans because they think we're arrogant because we're a wealthy nation...and because Bush got elected. Also because our education isn't as good. Oh piss on us...we're so inferior, I think we should just cry. Our reading level is Cat in the Hat. If only we had taste as superior as theirs...and if only we could even be included in their circles drinking coffee talking about philosophy and underground cinema. Fuck us
Yup...well said. It's pretty much cool to hate on Americans because they think we're arrogant because we're a wealthy nation...and because Bush got elected. Also because our education isn't as good. Oh piss on us...we're so inferior, I think we should just cry. Our reading level is Cat in the Hat. If only we had taste as superior as theirs...and if only we could even be included in their circles drinking coffee talking about philosophy and underground cinema. Fuck us

The anti-intellectual movement within America is very real, and very strong. Entire subcultures and class-structures are built around this idea that anyone who is educated, or speaks propurley is an elite scumbag out to destroy the foundation of this country, whatever that seems means to them this morning. The American 'arrogance' goes beyond our supposed wealth, but to a core belief that we're the best and that's all there is to it, propagated and stoked by, ironically, other elites, like the Koch brothers, who hide in the shadows funding supposed opposition movements, with vested interests in keeping Americans dumb and angry.

It's clear that the stereotype of stupid arrogant Americans is invalid and crude, but those fucktwats are out there, making a lot of noise, easily molded and crafted (on faith!) into spreading that stereotype as wide as their media-god will allow them.

Fuck us, indeed.