say something about ... yourself!

Even though I live here, I've never called myself American.

Fucking ridiculous food allergies/limitations are killing me. I've lost most of my muscle mass that I worked so hard for, sleep waaaay more than ever and I feel like I'm starving lately. Good news is I've lost a lot of weight that has previously been fucking impossible to shed, and much of my tissue inflammation has gone down. Weeoo
My panic attacks are getting bad.

I get these when I go into public sometimes, it feels like you're dying.

Take the time to breathe deeply & watch things that make you laugh more...make your own mantra that you can repeat when you feel one coming on (I think of lyrics). Try to realize that who/whatever is triggering your attacks really doesn't have power over your life, you do. :)
But you know, it's so easy to point the finger at Americans for it, where really, the French, Germans, Italians and pretty much everyone else does the same thing overseas... Do you know how many rude Italian tourist I have came across? Comparing everything to Italy? and shall I even bother with the French? They are all the same.. But everyone just loves to hate on those "dumb" Americans who act like asses overseas.
Truth is, while that might be true, and I have met some rude Americans in my travels, I hardly think it's the majority.

Everyone does it and being American, we're hardly the exception. I think the trend of hating on Americans is pretty much over; most of the world still sees it as a bastion of wealth and prosperity. What the rest of the world can't wrap its head around is the fact that we have so much going for us, yet we consistently fuck it up due to incompetence in our government and our social structure.

I think it's a good idea to compare places and be brutally honest about it; the difference is, like Brooks said, we can't admit when we're wrong. We think being the best is a birthright and that because our country is the US, everything else is automatically inferior. THAT'S what annoys the rest of the world, our blind nationalism and our inability to face reality.

It's true that everyone likes to point out the good and bad in places in their travels, but we typically choose to ignore our own faults. I've always said that working in the US is better than most places due to a strong meritocracy, but as long as you come from money, you'll never really see how bad it can be for those who don't. It's a place where there's no happy medium; when it's good, it's fantastic but when it's bad, it's really bad.

Germans can be very, very rude when they travel due to their anal retentiveness and inability to adjust with changing situations. Italians are usually sticklers for food, and rightly so. Southern Italians are just annoying when they travel due to their inability to get the fuck out of the way, speak English, and not act like subhuman walking stereotypes. The French hate everyone including themselves, and the Spanish are typically laid back people.

Again, it's not that we're the worst travelers (even if we usually look silly), but rather we should know better, being the leader of the free world.
I need advice. I try to avoid violence at all times, but I feel this guy is asking for it. Hear me out.

So, a female friend of mine who used to be very nice and has lately turned into a cunt, lent me her Nintendo DS in exchange for my Xbox 360. I beat what I wanted on her DS moderately quickly, so I returned it to her and let her keep my Xbox for awhile longer. A few months, actually. I got it back, minus my controller. Because apparently without asking, her boyfriend "left it" at one of his friends houses where he brought it to play Halo. I am not friends with this guy, I barely know him.

I nicely ask her two or three weeks ago to get it back. She doesn't. I ask again yesterday, she said she is working on it. I told her it was rude to leave it there in the first place without even asking if it could be there. She replies "whatever". So I was thinking I would go over there, grab this bastard by the neck and tell him he's going to get it now, or I'm going to hurt him.

I've tried being reasonable. Is this a douche move on my part? Am I over reacting? I know it's just a controller but it's the only one I have and I've been more than patient with her/him.
It's an Xbox controller, not a Faberge Egg. It's not his fault, it's hers. She was the one responsible for it. You tell her to never ask you for anything again and that you hope she dies in a fire and leave it at that.

I would go over to his house and politely explain the situation. If for some reason he refuses, beat his fucking ass with the Xbox controller. I don't think he'll have a problem with it if he knows it's yours.

Also stop giving girls your stuff. Stop being nice to them, especially the ones between 18 and 25. They're morons and manipulating pieces of shit who in all honesty should be punched in the face if this were a less civilized society.

Girls like that get you to do things for them simply by being sweet and then lo and behold, once they've got what they wanted, they don't need you anymore. It's very high school and you don't have to put up with it.
Thanks DW, you're the one I wanted to hear from most. This girl used to be so sweet until she met this guy, we were like brother and sister. She's 18 now, and a different person. Really breaks my heart, because she used to be an angel. Now all she cares about are Asians and social status. He did know it was my controller, though.

You're right, I should calm down.
But I totally get where you're coming from, man. It's a matter of principle.

I also misread your post...the way I understand it is she lent it to her boyfriend who left it at another friend's house, right? In a situation like that it's pretty difficult. You don't wanna go around punching people. If it were just her boyfriend and he was purposefully keeping it from you, then it's understandable to get into an altercation. Now I see it's at a third-party's house. Hmmm...might be better to just let it go.

However, don't ever do anything for her again. Ever. At least until she gives you back your controller, and even then don't lend valuable things.

It's a shame, man. But then again, how did I guess she was 18? Because they're all like that at that age; incredibly self-absorbed and conceited. You don't want any part of that and furthermore, you don't need it. If she were a friend and she couldn't get it back for some reason, she would have given you at least the money to buy a new one. Those things aren't cheap. Cut your losses, my friend, and cut her out of your life. I'm deadly serious when I tell you you can't really trust girls between the ages of 18 and 25. It's all about them and they'll sell you out in a heartbeat, sometimes even if you're in a relationship but most definitely if you're not.
Her boyfriend lives with her and her mom, because he got kicked out of his own house. He's a little chink weed dealer. I'm close to their whole family. Her sister was my first kiss, I still hang out with her. Her brother used to be my best friend until he moved to San Antonio, and her mom is like the big sister I never had. About the controller, it was in her room along with the Xbox. He knew it was mine, but took it there anyway.

Side Note: Her mom was found with a plastic bag over her head and throw up because this girls boyfriend just won't leave the apartment. Aforementioned best friend is in town today, he intends to straighten that shit out. (He is the girls uncle and her mothers brother) I just hope he does enough.
Like DW said, yeah, you're probably overreacting. It's a shitty thing for her to do, but cut your losses and move on. The more you get mad, throw punches, or fly into hissy fits at her, the more you're giving her the attention that she wants. Believe it or not, she's enjoying the fact that you're angry and that you call her names, because all this kind of girl wants is attention, good or bad, it's all the same.

Again like DW said, girls this age (and a lot more beyond that age) are only interested in what they can get from you, and they don't give a shit about doing the right thing or being grateful. The key to getting back at those manipulating women is to tell them they're not worth spending your time on. Just tell that bitch she can keep your controller, because you'd rather lose a controller than having to waste time on her. That'll have much more effect than any foul language you can throw at her.
There you go. Sounds like a fucked up situation...better to steer clear of that mess.

Have you ever heard a girl like that say, "I give you my word"? Probably's not something they say. They'll promise the world to you because it's not so bad to break a promise, but they never give you their word on anything because they don't have the same sense of honor that men do. Our word is our bond and if we go back on our word, that can be very bad in almost all facets of our lives, from politics to relationships to business deals, etc. We are lesser men when we reneg on our commitments. Girls like her will just rub her titties against you, hoping you'll drop it and forget about it, enabling her to not face the fact that she's an untrustworthy bitch, and when you call her on that she'll tell you to stop blowing it out of proportion. They just don't understand, man, not until they get older.

But then again, as long as they get what they want, they don't care.
I don't really think it's a matter of gender, DW. Men can be just as manipulative as women, although men tend to be more direct and straightforward in their dealings, and women prefer subtlety and complexity.

It's just a matter of decent people against selfish people. And sadly, there aren't many left of the former.
It's not strictly gender-biased, but typically girls between the ages of 18 and 25 are shady little cunts who only think of themselves. Men are just more straightforward, even if they're in the wrong. It's not the fact that she has his controller, it's the fact that she's doing everything she possibly can to keep it away from him and still manipulate him at the same time. If it were a man, he would've said, "Fuck you, if you want the controller you're gonna have to come get it yourself."
That's your best bet. Also, do it with an air of finality. Tell her you never want to see or hear from her ever again unless it's to return what's rightfully yours.

Just be cold and unfeeling...not rude or angry, just ambivalent.
Rescued a juvenile raven & horned owl from senseless euthanasia yesterday. Still feeling pretty rad about that :)
That's your best bet. Also, do it with an air of finality. Tell her you never want to see or hear from her ever again unless it's to return what's rightfully yours.

Just be cold and unfeeling...not rude or angry, just ambivalent.

I do admit...I don't want to not ever see her again. I've known her 7 years...

I just wish she was appreciative. I used to spend tons of gas money taking her to work, spent countless money on her because she used to hang out with us. Bought her food when she was hungry because she is dirt poor. When she couldn't afford her work outfit I got it for her. When her sister and uncle and I would all hang out and get messed up and she couldn't afford to, I always had her covered.

I didn't do it to throw it in her face, it just makes me really sad how easily she forgot me when she decided she wanted to be "Azn".

Also I'm not whining here, just commenting how much young girls suck.
I do admit...I don't want to not ever see her again. I've known her 7 years...

I just wish she was appreciative. I used to spend tons of gas money taking her to work, spent countless money on her because she used to hang out with us. Bought her food when she was hungry because she is dirt poor. When she couldn't afford her work outfit I got it for her. When her sister and uncle and I would all hang out and get messed up and she couldn't afford to, I always had her covered.

I didn't do it to throw it in her face, it just makes me really sad how easily she forgot me when she decided she wanted to be "Azn".

Also I'm not whining here, just commenting how much young girls suck.

I know man, but do you see the pattern? If I had done all that for someone and she treated me like she has treated you, I'd be fucking livid. Can you think of things she has done for you? Probably not. There's your answer.

John, it's time to take your balls out and stop being such a nice guy. That doesn't mean you're an asshole, it just means that you're not going to be taken advantage of. Nice guys have this shit happen to them because girls know they wouldn't be able to get away with it with a guy who would put them in their place. Looks like it's time to put her in her place.