But you know, it's so easy to point the finger at Americans for it, where really, the French, Germans, Italians and pretty much everyone else does the same thing overseas... Do you know how many rude Italian tourist I have came across? Comparing everything to Italy? and shall I even bother with the French? They are all the same.. But everyone just loves to hate on those "dumb" Americans who act like asses overseas.
Truth is, while that might be true, and I have met some rude Americans in my travels, I hardly think it's the majority.
Everyone does it and being American, we're hardly the exception. I think the trend of hating on Americans is pretty much over; most of the world still sees it as a bastion of wealth and prosperity. What the rest of the world can't wrap its head around is the fact that we have so much going for us, yet we consistently fuck it up due to incompetence in our government and our social structure.
I think it's a good idea to compare places and be brutally honest about it; the difference is, like Brooks said, we can't admit when we're wrong. We think being the best is a birthright and that because our country is the US, everything else is automatically inferior. THAT'S what annoys the rest of the world, our blind nationalism and our inability to face reality.
It's true that everyone likes to point out the good and bad in places in their travels, but we typically choose to ignore our own faults. I've always said that working in the US is better than most places due to a strong meritocracy, but as long as you come from money, you'll never really see how bad it can be for those who don't. It's a place where there's no happy medium; when it's good, it's fantastic but when it's bad, it's really bad.
Germans can be very, very rude when they travel due to their anal retentiveness and inability to adjust with changing situations. Italians are usually sticklers for food, and rightly so. Southern Italians are just annoying when they travel due to their inability to get the fuck out of the way, speak English, and not act like subhuman walking stereotypes. The French hate everyone including themselves, and the Spanish are typically laid back people.
Again, it's not that we're the worst travelers (even if we usually look silly), but rather we should know better, being the leader of the free world.