say something about ... yourself!

It's finally nice outside. It's only in the 60s but that's the most I could hope for here, right now. (It snowed last year)

I think my mind is finally made up, by this time next year I shall leave Houston behind.
I don't know, honestly. I've been doing so much contemplating about everything this year my brain feels like it's going to melt. I loved Chicago but I wouldn't know anyone there. Washington has always been appealing, New York seems like the safe bet. I still need to get about a year more of working down here in before I'll have the money to do anything, though.

Overall though, I just want to be in Europe. Away from Mexicans. Where my ancestry lies. I feel it calling to me inside me. I know Europe is far from perfect but Houston is cancer.
Yeah I agree with this. Almost polite to a fault. You rarely hear about tourists from other places criticizing the US for the rudeness of its citizens. People are quite open in the states.

I'm American and I have observed over the years a very strange phenomenon. American's are very polite in general, to foreigners, in America. When Americans travel outside of America they act very immature and rude toward other people. I think it's because the American attitude is pretty much one of: 'oh, in America we have everything, everything is efficient, it's easier, better etc' and when they get to other countries they can't believe how 'behind' they are culturally, in many areas. THAT is the aspect of America that I don't like.
The baseball team that represents my area of residence is going to defeat the baseball team that represents Cara and Derrick's area of residence.


I'm American and I have observed over the years a very strange phenomenon. American's are very polite in general, to foreigners, in America. When Americans travel outside of America they act very immature and rude toward other people. I think it's because the American attitude is pretty much one of: 'oh, in America we have everything, everything is efficient, it's easier, better etc' and when they get to other countries they can't believe how 'behind' they are culturally, in many areas. THAT is the aspect of America that I don't like.

Yeah America sucks...Brainless, McDonalds eating, instant gratification seeking, slurring idiots with no education! Inferior!

...yeah SOME Americans do tend to act like idiots in different is embarassing to us whom would rather make new friends, be humble and just explore other parts of the world. I have respect for residents of other countries because most of them know one more language fluently than I do. The drunken, crazy, big headed Americans that act like they own the place make the loudest noise...but I have some friends in Tijuana and they're chill people and when some of us go down there, we're pretty chill. Our Tijuana friends say "yeah some people are idiots but most Americans we encounter are usually pretty cool."